论文的第一作者Ilseung Cho和他的同事揭示了抗生素是如何作用于人体,产生类似这种效果的,以此推测低剂量的药物可能会改变肠道中细菌的组成和功能。相关研究论文发表在8月22日的Nature杂志上。
纽约大学Langone医学中心Martin J. Blaser医师说:这项工作表明早期微生物对肥胖的重要性。我们的研究揭示世界各地肥胖人数的激增或是由于抗生素的广泛使用引发的,早期暴露于抗生素下的儿童在以后的生活中可能患肥胖。
Antibiotics in early life alter the murine colonic microbiome and adiposity
Ilseung Cho , Shingo Yamanishi , Laura Cox , Barbara A. Methé , Jiri Zavadil , et al.
Antibiotics administered in low doses have been widely used as growth promoters in the agricultural industry since the 1950s, yet the mechanisms for this effect are unclear. Because antimicrobial agents of different classes and varying activity are effective across several vertebrate species, we proposed that such subtherapeutic administration alters the population structure of the gut microbiome as well as its metabolic capabilities. We generated a model of adiposity by giving subtherapeutic antibiotic therapy to young mice and evaluated changes in the composition and capabilities of the gut microbiome. Administration of subtherapeutic antibiotic therapy increased adiposity in young mice and increased hormone levels related to metabolism. We observed substantial taxonomic changes in the microbiome, changes in copies of key genes involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates to short-chain fatty acids, increases in colonic short-chain fatty acid levels, and alterations in the regulation of hepatic metabolism of lipids and cholesterol. In this model, we demonstrate the alteration of early-life murine metabolic homeostasis through antibiotic manipulation.
文献链接:Antibiotics in early life alter the murine colonic microbiome and adiposity