
2012-08-22 09:45 · pobee






这个起作用的通路涉及一种被称为白介素-6(IL-6)的蛋白。研究人员已经证明使用阻断IL-6的药物可以阻断这个通路的效应,克服对赫赛汀的耐药。这项研究的资深作者、著名肿瘤学教授、密歇根大学综合癌症中心主任Max S. Wicha博士说:“对以HER2为靶点的治疗药物的耐药,仍然是乳腺癌治疗方面的一个挑战。我们的研究表明,赫赛汀与IL-6抑制剂合用,可能是对HER2(+)患者治疗方面的一项重要补充。”这项研究的结果将发表于8月24日期次的Molecular Cell杂志上。



这项研究的第一作者、密歇根大学医学院内科学助理教授、兽医学及医学博士Hasan Korkaya说:“已有证据表明对IL-6水平较高的乳腺癌患者,赫赛汀治疗效果不佳。我们现在发现在很多对赫赛汀耐药的癌症中,IL-6炎症回路对癌症干细胞起着促进作用。”



Activation of an IL6 Inflammatory Loop Mediates Trastuzumab Resistance in HER2+ Breast Cancer by Expanding the Cancer Stem Cell Population.

Korkaya H, Kim GI, Davis A, Malik F, Henry NL, Ithimakin S, Quraishi AA, Tawakkol N, D'Angelo R, Paulson AK, Chung S, Luther T, Paholak HJ, Liu S, Hassan KA, Zen Q, Clouthier SG, Wicha MS.

Although inactivation of the PTEN gene has been implicated in the development of resistance to the HER2 targeting antibody trastuzumab, the mechanisms mediating this resistance remain elusive. We generated trastuzumab resistant cells by knocking down PTEN expression in HER2 overexpressing breast cancer cell lines and demonstrate that development of trastuzumab resistance in these cells is mediated by activation of an IL6 inflammatory feedback loop leading to expansion of the cancer stem cell (CSC) population. Long term trastuzumab treatment generates highly enriched CSCs which display an EMT phenotype secreting over 100-fold more IL6 than parental cells. An IL6 receptor antibody interrupted this inflammatory feedback loop reducing the cancer stem cell population resulting in decreased tumor growth and metastasis in mouse xenographs. These studies demonstrate that trastuzumab resistance may be mediated by an IL6 inflammatory loop and suggest that blocking this loop may provide alternative strategy to overcome trastuzumab resistance.

文献链接Activation of an IL6 Inflammatory Loop Mediates Trastuzumab Resistance in HER2+ Breast Cancer by Expanding the Cancer Stem Cell Population.