
2012-08-17 11:00 · pobee






为了提高这一检测水平,威尔康乃尔医学院的团队让276位男性每天服用5-α-还原酶抑制剂finasteride 或dutasteride(这2种药都用来缩减前列腺癌体积),在第一阶段,在6个月和12个月,研究人员对约三分之一的男性检测PSA,以及在12个月活组织检测他们的前列腺;在第二阶段,其他三分之二的男性,如果PSA水平发生改变,将接受活组织检测。



首席研究员Steven A. Kaplan博士说:“在PSA实用性引起越来越多辩论之际,我们研究表明,在一种特定方法下,它体现出巨大价值以识别之前未曾发现的前列腺癌。”

Prostate Biopsy in Response to a Change in Nadir Prostate Specific Antigen of 0.4 ng/ml after Treatment with 5α-Reductase Inhibitors Markedly Enhances the Detection Rate of Prostate Cancer

Steven A. Kaplan    ,    Richard K. Lee    ,    Doreen E. Chung    ,    Alexis E. Te    ,    Douglas S. Scherr    ,    Ash Tewari    ,    E. Darracott Vaughan

Purpose  We examined the effect of 5α-reductase inhibitor therapy on prostate cancer detection in men with persistently increased or fluctuating prostate specific antigen and prior negative prostate cancer biopsy.

Materials and Methods  A total of 276 men with prostate specific antigen greater than 4 ng/ml (208) or a prostate specific antigen velocity change of 0.75 ng/ml (68) and a normal digital rectal examination who had previously undergone biopsy a minimum of 2 times with prostate cancer not detected were given 5 mg finasteride (154) or dutasteride (122) daily. In phase 1, 97 patients had prostate specific antigen measured at 6 and 12 months with repeat transrectal ultrasonography and biopsy (12 cores) performed at 1 year. In phase 2, 179 patients underwent biopsy triggered by a change in nadir prostate specific antigen of more than 0.4 ng/ml.

Results  In phase 1 at 1 year prostate specific antigen had decreased by 2.4 ng/ml (−46.7%), and prostate volume had decreased 7.1 ml (−17.9%). Prostate cancer was detected in 27 of 97 (27.8%) patients and the mean minimum prostate specific antigen velocity from a nadir of 0.4 ng/ml was 0.6 ng/ml. In phase 2, 48 of 179 (26.8%) men underwent repeat biopsy at a mean of 14.6 months. Of these 48 men 26 (54.1%) were found to have prostate cancer. Of the 26 men in whom prostate cancer was detected 20 (76.9%) were found to have Gleason score 7 or greater disease.

Conclusions  The magnitude of change in serum prostate specific antigen after 5α-reductase inhibitor therapy may be useful in diagnosing prostate cancer in patients with persistently increased or fluctuating prostate specific antigen and prior negative prostate biopsy.

文献链接 Prostate Biopsy in Response to a Change in Nadir Prostate Specific Antigen of 0.4 ng/ml after Treatment with 5α-Reductase Inhibitors Markedly Enhances the Detection Rate of Prostate Cancer