本项研究由英国利物浦大学综合生物学研究所的若昂佩德罗马加良斯(Joao Pedro Magalhaes)博牵头,参与人员包括了他的研究生学生李阳(Yang Li)。他们的发现第一次向世人展现了长寿动物在生物的修复系统中出现了与延长寿命有关的进化模式。在将来,科学家可以从长寿生物中识别出相应的蛋白质,开发出抗衰老的方法,使得可对机体的衰老损害做出反馈干预,比如DNA损伤时,相应的蛋白质就会立即产生反馈调节,干预机体衰老的进程。
Accelerated protein evolution analysis reveals genes and pathways associated with the evolution of mammalian longevity
Yang Li and João Pedro de Magalhães
The genetic basis of the large species differences in longevity and aging remains a mystery. Thanks to recent large-scalegenome sequencing efforts, the genomes of multiple species have been sequenced and can be used for cross-species comparisonsto study species divergence in longevity. By analyzing proteins under accelerated evolution in several mammalian lineageswhere maximum lifespan increased, we identified genes and processes that are candidate targets of selection when longevityevolves. We identified several proteins with longevity-specific selection patterns, including COL3A1 that has previously beenrelated to aging and proteins related to DNA damage repair and response such as DDB1 and CAPNS1. Moreover, we found that processessuch as lipid metabolism and cholesterol catabolism show such patterns of selection and suggest a link between the evolutionof lipid metabolism, cholesterol catabolism, and the evolution of longevity. Lastly, we found evidence that the proteasomeubiquitinsystem is under selection specific to lineages where longevity increased and suggest that its selection had a role in theevolution of longevity. These results provide evidence that natural selection acts on species when longevity evolves, giveinsights into adaptive genetic changes associated with the evolution of longevity in mammals, and provide evidence that atleast some repair systems are selected for when longevity increases.