
2012-08-10 15:07 · wenmingw




这项研究的负责人Barbara Ann Halkier教授说:“我们开发出了一种全新的技术,我们把它叫做‘运输工程’。这种技术可以将一些不需要的物质从植物的可食用部分清除出去。”



Barbara Ann Halkier的研究团队先是在拟南芥中进行实验,他们在这种与油菜非常接近的植物中存在两种蛋白质,它们可以将硫代葡萄糖苷运输到拟南芥的种子中。研究人员随后对拟南芥中的这两种蛋白质进行了敲除,结果令人惊讶的是,拟南芥种子中的硫代葡萄糖苷完全消失了。

油菜是世界上第三大广泛种植的产油植物,这一新的技术的商业潜力不言自明。目前,世界最大的植物生物技术公司Bayer CropScience(拜耳作物科学)正在与哥本哈根大学的技术转化中心进行合作谈判,希望能够利用这种技术来种植油菜,生产无硫代葡萄糖苷油菜籽。


NRT/PTR transporters are essential for translocation of glucosinolate defence compounds to seeds

Hussam Hassan Nour-Eldin,  Tonni Grube Andersen,  Meike Burow, Svend Roesen Madsen, Morten Egevang Jørgensen, Carl Erik Olsen, Ingo Dreyer, Rainer Hedrich, Dietmar Geiger & Barbara Ann Halkier 

In plants, transport processes are important for the reallocation of defence compounds to protect tissues of high value, as demonstrated in the plant model Arabidopsis, in which the major defence compounds, glucosinolates, are translocated to seeds on maturation. The molecular basis for long-distance transport of glucosinolates and other defence compounds, however, remains unknown. Here we identify and characterize two members of the nitrate/peptide transporter family, GTR1 and GTR2, as high-affinity, proton-dependent glucosinolate-specific transporters. The gtr1 gtr2 double mutant did not accumulate glucosinolates in seeds and had more than tenfold over-accumulation in source tissues such as leaves and silique walls, indicating that both plasma membrane-localized transporters are essential for long-distance transport of glucosinolates. We propose that GTR1 and GTR2 control the loading of glucosinolates from the apoplasm into the phloem. Identification of the glucosinolate transporters has agricultural potential as a means to control allocation of defence compounds in a tissue-specific manner.

文献链接:NRT/PTR transporters are essential for translocation of glucosinolate defence compounds to seeds