“我们的方法在治疗领域也有潜在应用,比如对与疾病相关的重要基因与基因网络进行动态修改和控制。” 该研究领导、波士顿大学生物医学工程师阿哈迈德•卡利尔说,其他医疗应用还包括:损伤与疾病的干细胞疗法、细胞内置工具、癌症及其他疾病早期诊断线路等。
细胞重编程(Reprogramming Cells)指的是分化的细胞在特定的条件下被逆转后恢复到全能性状态,或者形成胚胎干细胞系,或者进一步发育成一个新的个体的过程。
A Synthetic Biology Framework for Programming Eukaryotic Transcription Functions
Ahmad S. Khalil, Timothy K. Lusend email, Caleb J. Bashor, Cherie L. Ramirez, Nora C. Pyenson, J. Keith Joung, James J. CollinsSee Affiliations
Eukaryotic transcription factors (TFs) perform complex and combinatorial functions within transcriptional networks. Here, we present a synthetic framework for systematically constructing eukaryotic transcription functions using artificial zinc fingers, modular DNA-binding domains found within many eukaryotic TFs. Utilizing this platform, we construct a library of orthogonal synthetic transcription factors (sTFs) and use these to wire synthetic transcriptional circuits in yeast. We engineer complex functions, such as tunable output strength and transcriptional cooperativity, by rationally adjusting a decomposed set of key component properties, e.g., DNA specificity, affinity, promoter design, protein-protein interactions. We show that subtle perturbations to these properties can transform an individual sTF between distinct roles (activator, cooperative factor, inhibitory factor) within a transcriptional complex, thus drastically altering the signal processing behavior of multi-input systems. This platform provides new genetic components for synthetic biology and enables bottom-up approaches to understanding the design principles of eukaryotic transcriptional complexes and networks.
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