一项新研究发现人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)利用不止一种方式“开采”免疫系统。HIV病毒不仅感染和破坏通常支持其它免疫细胞活动的CD4阳性辅助T细胞,还似乎利用这些细胞传播全身并感染其它的CD4 T细胞。来自美国马萨诸塞州总医院(MGH)的进行这项研究,通过利用最近研发的“人源化”的艾滋病小鼠模型,研究人员首次在活体动物的淋巴结内观察到HIV感染的人类T细胞的活动,相关研究发表在《自然》期刊上并能提前在网上发布。
麻省总医院免疫学和炎症性疾病中心的Thorsten Mempel博士领导这项研究,他说:“我们发现HIV在感染者体内通过搭乘感染T细胞进行传播,而感染T细胞继续做本职工作——在组织(如:淋巴结)内部以及之间迁移。这样做让感染T细胞携带HIV到偏远的部位,通常这一部位是HIV不易抵达的。有些药物能够调控T细胞迁移,因此能用来阻止HIV在病人体内传播。”
当HIV被引进到血液或组织中,该病毒将结合在辅助T细胞表面的CD4分子上,前者的内容物注射进T细胞中,然后启动包括组装、释放新病毒颗粒在内的一系列进程。长期以来,人们一直认为,这些游离的病毒通过组织液进行扩散,并感染所接触的细胞,但是,最近的研究表明,HIV也可直接在细胞间进行传播,这被称为T细胞长期作用的病毒学突触形式。由于CD4 T细胞通常转移迅速,且与其它细胞仅进行短暂接触,目前研究旨在探讨HIV是否改变感染T细胞的迁移,以及允许有利于感染的长期接触。
虽然HIV感染的细胞在淋巴结内活动积极,但是它们不会像未感染的那样快速。此外,10-20% HIV感染的细胞变得异常细长,往往呈现分枝状。研究人员推测,HIV包膜蛋白在感染T细胞释放新病毒颗粒之前表达在细胞表面,可促使感染细胞接触未感染细胞,因而导致细长的形状。一系列的实验证实,一些细长的感染细胞需要包膜蛋白的附着,而一些多细胞核的细长细胞表明它们是几个细胞融合体。
哈佛医学院医学助理教授Mempel 解释道:“虽然我们观察到,感染和未感染HIV的CD4细胞之间存在粘连作用,这表明HIV病毒通过T细胞直接接触进行传播。我们明确地表示,在未来的研究中这对于游离病毒传播具有重要作用。人源化小鼠具有开展此类研究的能力,因而可作为研究工具。这种做法,相对于之前未被认识的HIV发病机理,将研究水平提高到新高度。”
HIV-infected T cells are migratory vehicles for viral dissemination.
Thomas T. Murooka, Maud Deruaz, Francesco Marangoni, Vladimir D. Vrbanac, Edward Seung, Ulrich H. von Andrian, Andrew M. Tager, Andrew D. Luster, Thorsten R. Mempel.
After host entry through mucosal surfaces, human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) disseminates to lymphoid tissues to establish a generalized infection of the immune system. The mechanisms by which this virus spreads among permissive target cells locally during the early stages of transmission and systemically during subsequent dissemination are not known1. In vitro studies suggest that the formation of virological synapses during stable contacts between infected and uninfected T cells greatly increases the efficiency of viral transfer2. It is unclear, however, whether T-cell contacts are sufficiently stable in vivo to allow for functional synapse formation under the conditions of perpetual cell motility in epithelial3 and lymphoid tissues4. Here, using multiphoton intravital microscopy, we examine the dynamic behaviour of HIV-infected T cells in the lymph nodes of humanized mice. We find that most productively infected T cells migrate robustly, resulting in their even distribution throughout the lymph node cortex. A subset of infected cells formed multinucleated syncytia through HIV envelope-dependent cell fusion. Both uncoordinated motility of syncytia and adhesion to CD4+ lymph node cells led to the formation of long membrane tethers, increasing cell lengths to up to ten times that of migrating uninfected T cells. Blocking the egress of migratory T cells from the lymph nodes into efferent lymph vessels, and thus interrupting T-cell recirculation, limited HIV dissemination and strongly reduced plasma viraemia. Thus, we have found that HIV-infected T cells are motile, form syncytia and establish tethering interactions that may facilitate cell-to-cell transmission through virological synapses. Migration of T cells in lymph nodes therefore spreads infection locally, whereas their recirculation through tissues is important for efficient systemic viral spread, suggesting new molecular targets to antagonize HIV infection.