由新泽西医学和牙医学大学-新泽西医学院(UMDNJ-SOM)的Gary Goldberg博士领导的一个国际研究小组从一种古老的中医药用植物的种子中分离出了具有生物活性的蛋白,并发现这类蛋白有可能能帮助对抗包括黑色素瘤在内的各种癌症,抑制肿瘤扩散。相关研究成果发布在7月23日的PLos ONE杂志上。
豆科植物怀槐(Maackia amurensis,MAS)
受到从前发布研究成果的启发,Goldberg博士课题组对于从原产于亚洲的一种豆科植物怀槐(Maackia amurensis,MAS)种子中抽提出的一种蛋白进行了检测。早在400多年前,中国的古代文献中就有关于这种植物用作医药用途的记载。研究人员发现植物种子中的这一特异成分MASL可与许多癌细胞类型表达的podoplanin (PDPN)发生互作。这一研究发现似乎具有深远的意义,因为他们和其他的研究团体发现PDPN受体在促进肿瘤侵袭和转移至机体其他部位中起重要作用。
Goldberg 博士解释说:“细胞,即便是癌变之时,也倾向于留在原地。PDPN使得肿瘤细胞脱离微环境,向新的区域侵袭并发生转移。我们实验室的研究表明MASL不仅显著地降低了细胞迁移,也抑制了癌细胞生长。”
Plant Lectin Can Target Receptors Containing Sialic Acid, Exemplified by Podoplanin, to Inhibit Transformed Cell Growth and Migration
Jhon Alberto Ochoa-Alvarez, Harini Krishnan, Yongquan Shen, Nimish K. Acharya, Min Han, Dean E. McNulty, Hitoki Hasegawa, Dmitry Temiakov, Robert G. Nagele, Gary S. Goldberg
Cancer is a leading cause of death of men and women worldwide. Tumor cell motility contributes to metastatic invasion that causes the vast majority of cancer deaths. Extracellular receptors modified by α2,3-sialic acids that promote this motility can serve as ideal chemotherapeutic targets. For example, the extracellular domain of the mucin receptor podoplanin (PDPN) is highly O-glycosylated with α2,3-sialic acid linked to galactose. PDPN is activated by endogenous ligands to induce tumor cell motility and metastasis. Dietary lectins that target proteins containing α2,3-sialic acid inhibit tumor cell growth. However, anti-cancer lectins that have been examined thus far target receptors that have not been identified. We report here that a lectin from the seeds of Maackia amurensis (MASL) with affinity for O-linked carbohydrate chains containing sialic acid targets PDPN to inhibit transformed cell growth and motility at nanomolar concentrations. Interestingly, the biological activity of this lectin survives gastrointestinal proteolysis and enters the cardiovascular system to inhibit melanoma cell growth, migration, and tumorigenesis. These studies demonstrate how lectins may be used to help develop dietary agents that target specific receptors to combat malignant cell growth.