这项研究由莫纳什大学领导完成,相关论文发表在Nature Structure and Molecular Biology期刊上。研究人员发现一种被称为TAM的蛋白复合物能在细菌体内形成一种分子泵。这种TAM允许细菌将关键致病分子从细菌细胞内部运输到细菌外表面,从而引发细菌感染。
论文的第一作者、莫什大学生物化学与分子生物学在读博士Joel Selkrig说道:“这项研究为进一步设计新药来抑制这个过程铺平了道路。”
“通过让细菌在进行抗菌治疗之后依然保持存活状态,我们相信,我们也可以防止细菌耐药性的产生,从而解决长期困扰人们的细菌耐药性问题。” Selkrig先生说。
由生物化学与分子生物学教授Trevor Lithgow领导的莫纳什团队发现,TAM是由两种蛋白组分(TamA和TamB)组成的,它们共同发挥作用,共同形成了一个分子水平的机器。
“我们在突变株外膜上并没有发现能引起疾病的关键蛋白。” Selkrig先生说。
Discovery of an archetypal protein transport system in bacterial outer membranes
Joel Selkrig, Khedidja Mosbahi, Chaille T Webb, Matthew J Belousoff, Andrew J Perry, Timothy J Wells, Faye Morris, Denisse L Leyton, Makrina Totsika, Minh-Duy Phan, Nermin Celik, Michelle Kelly, Clare Oates, Elizabeth L Hartland, Roy M Robins-Browne, Sri Harsha Ramarathinam, Anthony W Purcell, Mark A Schembri, Richard A Strugnell, Ian R Henderson, Daniel Walker & Trevor Lithgow
Bacteria have mechanisms to export proteins for diverse purposes, including colonization of hosts and pathogenesis. A small number of archetypal bacterial secretion machines have been found in several groups of bacteria and mediate a fundamentally distinct secretion process. Perhaps erroneously, proteins called 'autotransporters' have long been thought to be one of these protein secretion systems. Mounting evidence suggests that autotransporters might be substrates to be secreted, not an autonomous transporter system. We have discovered a new translocation and assembly module (TAM) that promotes efficient secretion of autotransporters in proteobacteria. Functional analysis of the TAM in Citrobacter rodentium, Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli showed that it consists of an Omp85-family protein, TamA, in the outer membrane and TamB in the inner membrane of diverse bacterial species. The discovery of the TAM provides a new target for the development of therapies to inhibit colonization by bacterial pathogens.