领导这一研究的是斯坦福大学生物工程与应用物理学教授Stephen Quake博士,他表示,“这是我的实验室近十年来取得的最重要的研究成果”,“现代技术使我们能在常规实验中,扩增并高精度测序单个细胞的整个基因组,这对癌症、不孕不育、以及许多其它疾病的研究产生深远的影响。”
文章的第一作者为Quake教授实验室王建斌(Jianbin Wang,音译),以及H. Christina Fan博士,研究获得了美国NIH、中国留学生基金委等处的资助。
“这项研究第一次绘制了个体重组图谱,也首次发现了来自同一个人的不同精子的不同突变率”,文章的另外一位作者,斯坦福大学妇产科教授Barry Behr说。
Genome-wide Single-Cell Analysis of Recombination Activity and De Novo Mutation Rates in Human Sperm
Meiotic recombination and de novo mutation are the two main contributions toward gamete genome diversity, and many questions remain about how an individual human’s genome is edited by these two processes. Here, we describe a high-throughput method for single-cell whole-genome analysis that was used to measure the genomic diversity in one individual’s gamete genomes. A microfluidic system was used for highly parallel sample processing and to minimize nonspecific amplification. High-density genotyping results from 91 single cells were used to create a personal recombination map, which was consistent with population-wide data at low resolution but revealed significant differences from pedigree data at higher resolution. We used the data to test for meiotic drive and found evidence for gene conversion. High-throughput sequencing on 31 single cells was used to measure the frequency of large-scale genome instability, and deeper sequencing of eight single cells revealed de novo mutation rates with distinct characteristics.
文献链接:Genome-wide Single-Cell Analysis of Recombination Activity and De Novo Mutation Rates in Human Sperm