为什么现代治疗手段,如放疗、化疗等通常无法杀死全部的癌细胞?为什么化疗后仍有相当一部分病人的癌症会复发?这些问题一直困扰着医学界。华中科技大学生命学院汪宁教授与同济医学院黄波教授领衔的研究成果揭示了部分答案。其论文Soft fibrin gels promote selection and growth of tumorigenic cells发表在Nature·Materials上。
Soft fibrin gels promote selection and growth of tumorigenic cells
Jing Liu, Youhua Tan, Huafeng Zhang, Yi Zhang, Pingwei Xu, Junwei Chen, Yeh-Chuin Poh, Ke Tang, Ning Wang & Bo Huang
The identification of stem-cell-like cancer cells through conventional methods that depend on stem cell markers is often unreliable. We developed a mechanical method for selecting tumorigenic cells by culturing single cancer cells in fibrin matrices of ~100 Pa in stiffness. When cultured within these gels, primary human cancer cells or single cancer cells from mouse or human cancer cell lines grew within a few days into individual round colonies that resembled embryonic stem cell colonies. Subcutaneous or intravenous injection of 10 or 100 fibrin-cultured cells in syngeneic or severe combined immunodeficiency mice led to the formation of solid tumours at the site of injection or at the distant lung organ much more efficiently than control cancer cells selected using conventional surface marker methods or cultured on conventional rigid dishes or on soft gels. Remarkably, as few as ten such cells were able to survive and form tumours in the lungs of wild-type non-syngeneic mice.