“相机要抓拍上这些难以捉摸的细胞,必须具备在非常高的帧幅数下,持续捕获并对数以百万计的图像进行数字化处理的能力。”加州大学洛杉矶分校亨利光电主席Bahram Jalali 说:“传统的CCD和CMOS摄像头达不到这样的速度和灵敏度,因为从像素阵列读取数据需要时间。
High-throughput single-microparticle imaging flow analyzer.
K. Goda, A. Ayazi, D. R. Gossett, J. Sadasivam, C. K. Lonappan, E. Sollier, A. M. Fard, S. C. Hur, J. Adam, C. Murray, C. Wang, N. Brackbill, D. Di Carlo, B. Jalali.
Optical microscopy is one of the most widely used diagnostic methods in scientific, industrial, and biomedical applications. However, while useful for detailed examination of a small number (< 10,000) of microscopic entities, conventional optical microscopy is incapable of statistically relevant screening of large populations (> 100,000,000) with high precision due to its low throughput and limited digital memory size. We present an automated flow-through single-particle optical microscope that overcomes this limitation by performing sensitive blur-free image acquisition and nonstop real-time image-recording and classification of microparticles during high-speed flow. This is made possible by integrating ultrafast optical imaging technology, self-focusing microfluidic technology, optoelectronic communication technology, and information technology. To show the system’s utility, we demonstrate high-throughput image-based screening of budding yeast and rare breast cancer cells in blood with an unprecedented throughput of 100,000 particles/s and a record false positive rate of one in a million.
文献链接:High-throughput single-microparticle imaging flow analyzer