“如果没有这样的技术,那么要等到新生儿的代谢或是免疫缺陷发展到非常明显的时候才能被发现,到那时再进行治疗多数时候已经比较晚了。” 斯坦福大学生物工程和应用物理教授Stephen Quake说,“我们对这种可以在出生前确定治疗手段的技术很感兴趣。”
斯坦福大学医学院妇产科临床助理教授,Yair Blumenfeld博士说:“我们一直都知道,对胎儿异常染色体的检测,只是冰山一角;诊断单个基因缺陷,才是未来。这项重要的研究证实了我们只需通过对母亲血液的检测就可推断出胎儿基因缺陷的能力。”
Non-invasive prenatal measurement of the fetal genome
H. Christina Fan, Wei Gu, Jianbin Wang, Yair J. Blumenfeld, Yasser Y. El-Sayed & Stephen R. Quake
The vast majority of prenatal genetic testing requires invasive sampling. However, this poses a risk to the fetus, so one must make a decision that weighs the desire for genetic information against the risk of an adverse outcome due to hazards of the testing process. These issues are not required to be coupled, and it would be desirable to discover genetic information about the fetus without incurring a health risk. Here we demonstrate that it is possible to non-invasively sequence the entire prenatal genome. Our results show that molecular counting of parental haplotypes in maternal plasma by shotgun sequencing of maternal plasma DNA allows the inherited fetal genome to be deciphered non-invasively. We also applied the counting principle directly to each allele in the fetal exome by performing exome capture on maternal plasma DNA before shotgun sequencing. This approach enables non-invasive exome screening of clinically relevant and deleterious alleles that were paternally inherited or had arisen as de novo germline mutations, and complements the haplotype counting approach to provide a comprehensive view of the fetal genome. Non-invasive determination of the fetal genome may ultimately facilitate the diagnosis of all inherited and de novo genetic disease.