
2012-07-07 10:50 · wythe



根据7月3号发表在《journal Molecular Therapy》上的研究成果:从羊水中获取的干细胞可以转化成另外一种更通用的类似于胚胎干细胞的状态。



研究人员从3月龄以内孕妇子宫中抽取羊水分离获得的干细胞,将其培养在一种凝胶状蛋白混合物上,并通过向培养基中添加一种叫做丙戊酸(valproic acid)的药物促使其编码至一个更初级的状态。大量的实验表明:这些重编码的细胞具有和胚胎干细胞类似的可发展成为任何人体细胞类型的能力。



伦敦帝国理工学院癌症与外科部的Pascale Guillot博士表示:“羊水干细胞是居于胚胎干细胞和成人干细胞之间的过渡状态,它们有发展成为不同类型的细胞的潜力。但是它们是不是多能干细胞?我们已经证明,通过添加化学试剂来影响其DNA在胚胎基因中的表达,使其转回多能干细胞状态。”

伦敦帝国理工学院儿童健康研究所的Paolo De Coppi博士解释到:“未经任何基因操作的遗传上纯洁性的优势使羊水干细胞更适合用于治疗。”

这项研究受资助于创世纪研究信托基金会(Genesis Research Trust),亨利.史密斯慈善医学研究。

Valproic Acid Confers Functional Pluripotency to Human Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells in a Transgene-free Approach

Dafni Moschidou, Sayandip Mukherjee, Michael P Blundell, Katharina Drews, Gemma N Jones, Hassan Abdulrazzak, Beata Nowakowska, Anju Phoolchund, Kenneth Lay, T Selvee Ramasamy, Mara Cananzi, Daniel Nettersheim, Mark Sullivan, Jennifer Frost, Gudrun Moore, Joris R Vermeesch, Nicholas M Fisk, Adrian J Thrasher, Anthony Atala, James Adjaye, Hubert Schorle, Paolo De Coppi and Pascale V Guillot

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) with potential for therapeutic applications can be derived from somatic cells via ectopic expression of a set of limited and defined transcription factors. However, due to risks of random integration of the reprogramming transgenes into the host genome, the low efficiency of the process, and the potential risk of virally induced tumorigenicity, alternative methods have been developed to generate pluripotent cells using nonintegrating systems, albeit with limited success. Here, we show that c-KIT+ human first-trimester amniotic fluid stem cells (AFSCs) can be fully reprogrammed to pluripotency without ectopic factors, by culture on Matrigel in human embryonic stem cell (hESC) medium supplemented with the histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) valproic acid (VPA). The cells share 82% transcriptome identity with hESCs and are capable of forming embryoid bodies (EBs) in vitro and teratomas in vivo. After long-term expansion, they maintain genetic stability, protein level expression of key pluripotency factors, high cell-division kinetics, telomerase activity, repression of X-inactivation, and capacity to differentiate into lineages of the three germ layers, such as definitive endoderm, hepatocytes, bone, fat, cartilage, neurons, and oligodendrocytes. We conclude that AFSC can be utilized for cell banking of patient-specific pluripotent cells for potential applications in allogeneic cellular replacement therapies, pharmaceutical screening, and disease modeling.

文献链接:Valproic Acid Confers Functional Pluripotency to Human Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells in a Transgene-free Approach