
2012-05-23 14:43 · Vicky




这项研究开启了利用心脏病患者自身人类诱导多能干细胞(hiPSC)修复受损心脏的展望。由于“重编程”的细胞可从患者自身获得,因而这可避免患者的免疫系统将这些细胞视为“外来物”。不过,研究人员也警示说, hiPSC在这方面的应用还存在许多的障碍需要克服,在开展临床实验前至少需要5到10年的时间进行实验研究。


领导这项研究的以色列科学家Lior Gepstein教授说:“我们的研究中新颖且令人激动的地方就是我们发现可以从年老并患有晚期心脏病患者获取皮肤细胞并在实验室中将其转变为他自己的健康年轻的心脏细胞,年轻到如同他刚刚出生时的心脏细胞。”


“要在临床上使用hiSPC的一个障碍就是细胞可能脱离控制进行发育而长成肿瘤,” Gepstein教授解释说。“这种潜在的风险可能来自多个因素,包括致瘤因子c-Myc,以及用于携带转录因子的病毒随机插入到细胞的DNA中,这个过程被称为插入致瘤。”




“在这项研究中,我们首次证实可以建立心脏病患者自身的hiPSC,并诱导它们分化为可与宿主心脏组织整合的心脏肌肉细胞” Gepstein教授说道。



Derivation and cardiomyocyte differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells from heart failure patients

Limor Zwi-Dantsis, Irit Huber, Manhal Habib, Aaron Winterstern, Amira Gepstein, Gil Arbel and Lior Gepstein

Aims Myocardial cell replacement therapies are hampered by a paucity of sources for human cardiomyocytes and by the expected immune rejection of allogeneic cell grafts. The ability to derive patient-specific human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) may provide a solution to these challenges. We aimed to derive hiPSCs from heart failure (HF) patients, to induce their cardiomyocyte differentiation, to characterize the generated hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs), and to evaluate their ability to integrate with pre-existing cardiac tissue.

Methods and results Dermal fibroblasts from two HF patients were reprogrammed by retroviral delivery of Oct4, Sox2, and Klf4 or by using an excisable polycistronic lentiviral vector. The resulting HF-hiPSCs displayed adequate reprogramming properties and could be induced to differentiate into cardiomyocytes with the same efficiency as control hiPSCs (derived from human foreskin fibroblasts). Gene expression and immunostaining studies confirmed the cardiomyocyte phenotype of the differentiating HF-hiPSC-CMs. Multi-electrode array recordings revealed the development of a functional cardiac syncytium and adequate chronotropic responses to adrenergic and cholinergic stimulation. Next, functional integration and synchronized electrical activities were demonstrated between hiPSC-CMs and neonatal rat cardiomyocytes in co-culture studies. Finally, in vivo transplantation studies in the rat heart revealed the ability of the HF-hiPSC-CMs to engraft, survive, and structurally integrate with host cardiomyocytes.

Conclusions Human-induced pluripotent stem cells can be established from patients with advanced heart failure and coaxed to differentiate into cardiomyocytes, which can integrate with host cardiac tissue. This novel source for patient-specific heart cells may bring a unique value to the emerging field of cardiac regenerative medicine.


关键词: 干细胞 心脏病