
2010-05-11 00:00 · Hugh

日前,美国托马斯杰弗逊大学生物化学和分子生物系研究人员发现一种叫做"Caenorhabditis elegans"(生物医药大辞典 提供翻译)线虫体内单一蛋白质水平可以确定它们寿命的长短。天生不具备这种抑制蛋白(arrestin)的线虫寿命比正常线虫长三分之一,而那些抑制蛋白数量

日前,美国托马斯杰弗逊大学生物化学和分子生物系研究人员发现一种叫做"Caenorhabditis elegans"(生物医药大辞典 提供翻译)线虫体内单一蛋白质水平可以确定它们寿命的长短。天生不具备这种抑制蛋白(arrestin)的线虫寿命比正常线虫长三分之一,而那些抑制蛋白数量是正常3倍的线虫则寿命短三分之一。


生物化学和分子生物系教授杰弗里-本诺维克(Jeffrey L. Benovic)博士称,由于虫类许多蛋白质与人类相匹配,这项发现对于人体生物学和理解癌症的发展具有特殊贡献。尽管人体生物学更加复杂,但这种基因对于人类和虫类之间的关联性暗示着相同的交互作用也存在于哺乳动物。我们需要更深入地展开研究,从而获得更多的重大发现。

研究人员使用线虫作为实验模型,由于线虫提供一种简单的系统便于研究与人体生物学相关的基因和蛋白质,例如:“C. elegans”线虫拥有一个抑制蛋白基因,相对应地人类就有4个。蠕虫拥有302个神经细胞,就相当于人体大脑1000亿个脑细胞。此外,这种线虫两至三周的生命周期对于观测长寿效应更加直观有效。

本诺维克和这项研究报告第一作者博士后生艾梅-帕尔米特萨(Aimee Palmitessa)研究了由G蛋白质对受体激活的信息路径,这些蛋白质对受体可与所有类型的激素、敏感刺激物(比如:光线、气味等)、神经传递素等结合在一起,它们将刺激细胞内的梯状信号,并控制许多生理进程,这种机理可用于研制药物。







JBC doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.104612

Arrestin and the Multi-PDZ Domain-containing Protein MPZ-1 Interact with Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog (PTEN) and Regulate Caenorhabditis elegans Longevity

Aimee Palmitessa and Jeffrey L. Benovic1

Arrestins are multifunctional adaptor proteins best known for their role in regulating G protein-coupled receptor signaling. Arrestins also regulate other types of receptors, including the insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF-1R), although the mechanism by which this occurs is not well understood. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the IGF-1R ortholog DAF-2 regulates dauer formation, stress resistance, metabolism, and lifespan through a conserved signaling cascade. To further elucidate the role of arrestin in IGF-1R signaling, we employed an in vivo approach to investigate the role of ARR-1, the sole arrestin ortholog in C. elegans, on longevity. Here, we report that ARR-1 functions to positively regulate DAF-2 signaling in C. elegans. arr-1 mutant animals exhibit increased longevity and enhanced nuclear localization of DAF-16, an indication of decreased DAF-2 signaling, whereas animals overexpressing ARR-1 have decreased longevity. Genetic and biochemical analysis reveal that ARR-1 functions to regulate DAF-2 signaling via direct interaction with MPZ-1, a multi-PDZ domain-containing protein, via a C-terminal PDZ binding domain in ARR-1. Interestingly, ARR-1 and MPZ-1 are found in a complex with the phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) ortholog DAF-18, which normally serves as a suppressor of DAF-2 signaling, suggesting that these three proteins work together to regulate DAF-2 signaling. Our results suggest that the ARR-1-MPZ-1-DAF-18 complex functions to regulate DAF-2 signaling in vivo and provide insight into a novel mechanism by which arrestin is able to regulate IGF-1R signaling and longevity.
