2009年12月24日,该研究成果在《细胞》(Cell)杂志子刊《分子细胞》(Molecular Cell)上作为封面论文正式刊登发表。西班牙科学家Juan Valcárcel教授为该文撰写的题为《RNA加工:重绘已制好的地形图》的评论文章指出,该文是向科学家们已经绘制好的RNA加工地形图进行挑战,并成功重新绘制了新的地形图,研究成果对基因转录后调控研究领域具有引领作用。
张翼告诉记者,如果一个基因相关的RNA序列发生了突变,或者其调控蛋白质发生突变和表达量变化,都会导致该基因外显子排序方式的改变,进而使人致病。许多疾病包括癌症都是可变剪接异常导致的。PTB蛋白就是这类重要调控蛋白质的一个代表。 2005年,美国科学家揭示出PTB蛋白在细胞外结合RNA的精确机制。此后,世界各国的科学家试图“看清”PTB蛋白在细胞内是如何与RNA结合和进行基因调控的,以及它又是如何在致癌中起作用的。
《科学时报》 (2010-1-7 A1 要闻)
Molecular Cell, Volume 36, Issue 6, 996-1006, 24 December 2009
Genome-wide Analysis of PTB-RNA Interactions Reveals a Strategy Used by the General Splicing Repressor to Modulate Exon Inclusion or Skipping
Yuanchao Xue1, 4, Yu Zhou1, 2, 4, Tongbin Wu1, Tuo Zhu1, Xiong Ji1, Young-Soo Kwon2, Chao Zhang1, Gene Yeo2, Douglas L. Black3, Hui Sun1, Xiang-Dong Fu1, 2, Go To Corresponding Author, and Yi Zhang1, Go To Corresponding Author,
* Recent transcriptome analysis indicates that < 90% of human genes undergo alternative splicing, underscoring the contribution of differential RNA processing to diverse proteomes in higher eukaryotic cells. The polypyrimidine tract-binding protein PTB is a well-characterized splicing repressor, but PTB knockdown causes both exon inclusion and skipping. Genome-wide mapping of PTB-RNA interactions and construction of a functional RNA map now reveal that dominant PTB binding near a competing constitutive splice site generally induces exon inclusion, whereas prevalent binding close to an alternative site often causes exon skipping. This positional effect was further demonstrated by disrupting or creating a PTB-binding site on minigene constructs and testing their responses to PTB knockdown or overexpression. These findings suggest a mechanism for PTB to modulate splice site competition to produce opposite functional consequences, which may be generally applicable to RNA-binding splicing factors to positively or negatively regulate alternative splicing in mammalian cells.