英国剑桥大学动物学系的Vera Warmuth及其同事使用来自欧亚大陆北部300多匹马的遗传数据,重建了现在家马已经灭绝的野生祖先野马(Equus ferus)的遗传结构,以及马的驯化在欧亚大陆草原的蔓延情况模型。Warmuth研究小组成员重建了野马的种群统计的历史,并且发现有力证据证明野马在大约1.6万年前就扩展出了欧亚大陆东部。“这很有可能反映了这些物种对于欧亚大陆的‘殖民’情况。”Warmuth表示。
Reconstructing the origin and spread of horse domestication in the Eurasian steppe
Vera Warmutha,1,2, Anders Erikssona,1,2, Mim Ann Bowerb, Graeme Barkerb, Elizabeth Barrettb, Bryan Kent Hanksc, Shuicheng Lid, David Lomitashvilie, Maria Ochir-Goryaevaf, Grigory V. Sizonovg, Vasiliy Soyonovh, and Andrea Manicaa
Despite decades of research across multiple disciplines, the early history of horse domestication remains poorly understood. On the basis of current evidence from archaeology, mitochondrial DNA, and Y-chromosomal sequencing, a number of different domestication scenarios have been proposed, ranging from the spread of domestic horses out of a restricted primary area of domestication to the domestication of numerous distinct wild horse populations. In this paper, we reconstruct both the population genetic structure of the extinct wild progenitor of domestic horses, Equus ferus, and the origin and spread of horse domestication in the Eurasian steppes by fitting a spatially explicit stepping-stone model to genotype data from >300 horses sampled across northern Eurasia. We find strong evidence for an expansion of E. ferus out of eastern Eurasia about 160 kya, likely reflecting the colonization of Eurasia by this species. Our best-fitting scenario further suggests that horse domestication originated in the western part of the Eurasian steppe and that domestic herds were repeatedly restocked with local wild horses as they spread out of this area. By showing that horse domestication was initiated in the western Eurasian steppe and that the spread of domestic herds across Eurasia involved extensive introgression from the wild, the scenario of horse domestication proposed here unites evidence from archaeology, mitochondrial DNA, and Y-chromosomal DNA.
文献链接: https://www.pnas.org/content/early/2012/05/02/1111122109.abstract?sid=22978db8-aa2b-48b9-9cf3-d6a022b64270