Nucleic Acids Res.:计算机靶标预测及发现技术新进展

2010-07-01 00:00 · lucy








Nucleic Acids Research doi:10.1093/nar/gkq300

PharmMapper server: a web server for potential drug target identification using pharmacophore mapping approach

Xiaofeng Liu1,2, Sisheng Ouyang1, Biao Yu3, Yabo Liu3, Kai Huang3, Jiayu Gong3, Siyuan Zheng4, Zhihua Li3, Honglin Li2,3,* and Hualiang Jiang1,2,*

1Drug Discovery and Design Center, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201203, 2State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering " Shanghai Key Laboratory of Chemical Biology, School of Pharmacy, East China University of Science and Technology, 3School of Information Science and Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237 and 4Bioinformatics Center, Key Lab of Systems Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China

In silico drug target identification, which includes many distinct algorithms for finding disease genes and proteins, is the first step in the drug discovery pipeline. When the 3D structures of the targets are available, the problem of target identification is usually converted to finding the best interaction mode between the potential target candidates and small molecule probes. Pharmacophore, which is the spatial arrangement of features essential for a molecule to interact with a specific target receptor, is an alternative method for achieving this goal apart from molecular docking method. PharmMapper server is a freely accessed web server designed to identify potential target candidates for the given small molecules (drugs, natural products or other newly discovered compounds with unidentified binding targets) using pharmacophore mapping approach. PharmMapper hosts a large, in-house repertoire of pharmacophore database (namely PharmTargetDB) annotated from all the targets information in TargetBank, BindingDB, DrugBank and potential drug target database, including over 7000 receptor-based pharmacophore models (covering over 1500 drug targets information). PharmMapper automatically finds the best mapping poses of the query molecule against all the pharmacophore models in PharmTargetDB and lists the top N best-fitted hits with appropriate target annotations, as well as respective molecule’s aligned poses are presented. Benefited from the highly efficient and robust triangle hashing mapping method, PharmMapper bears high throughput ability and only costs 1 h averagely to screen the whole PharmTargetDB. The protocol was successful in finding the proper targets among the top 300 pharmacophore candidates in the retrospective benchmarking test of tamoxifen.
