Science TM:运动中人体代谢变化的检测

2010-05-27 00:00 · Buck

来自麻省总医院,哈佛医学院,贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心等处的研究人员应用高度灵敏的质谱分析法来检测一组参与者在跑步机上运动之前、之中和之后的血液中的200种代谢物,从中发现了机体运动过程中的一系列变化。 运动过程中机体会发生代谢很多方面的变化,比如脂肪会由神经、内分泌系统调节,交




这项研究找到了在身体中的化学开关,这些化学开关在运动的时候,在较健康的人相对于不太健康的人中是显然不同的。 通过运动出汗并让心跳加快已知可保护人体免生许多疾病并可延长寿命,但人们对运动为什么会带来这些绝对正面的效果依然不是很清楚。这些发现使人们对运动是如何影响代谢有了新的了解,并可能使人们研发出新的诊断测试来评估一个人的健康状况,以及用最新的添加物质来补充运动后丧失的代谢物质(想一下在奔跑后大口咽下充满了代谢物的能量饮料)。




Sci Transl Med DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3001006

Metabolic Signatures of Exercise in Human Plasma

Gregory D. Lewis1,2,3,4,*, Laurie Farrell1, Malissa J. Wood1, Maryann Martinovic1, Zoltan Arany5, Glenn C. Rowe5, Amanda Souza4, Susan Cheng1,6,7, Elizabeth L. McCabe6, Elaine Yang4, Xu Shi4, Rahul Deo1,8, Frederick P. Roth8, Aarti Asnani1,2, Eugene P. Rhee4,9, David M. Systrom10, Marc J. Semigran1, Ramachandran S. Vasan6,11,12, Steven A. Carr4, Thomas J. Wang1,6, Marc S. Sabatine3,7, Clary B. Clish4 and Robert E. Gerszten1,2,3,4,*

Exercise provides numerous salutary effects, but our understanding of how these occur is limited. To gain a clearer picture of exercise-induced metabolic responses, we have developed comprehensive plasma metabolite signatures by using mass spectrometry to measure <200 metabolites before and after exercise. We identified plasma indicators of glycogenolysis (glucose-6-phosphate), tricarboxylic acid cycle span 2 expansion (succinate, malate, and fumarate), and lipolysis (glycerol), as well as modulators of insulin sensitivity (niacinamide) and fatty acid oxidation (pantothenic acid). Metabolites that were highly correlated with fitness parameters were found in subjects undergoing acute exercise testing and marathon running and in 302 subjects from a longitudinal cohort study. Exercise-induced increases in glycerol were strongly related to fitness levels in normal individuals and were attenuated in subjects with myocardial ischemia. A combination of metabolites that increased in plasma in response to exercise (glycerol, niacinamide, glucose-6-phosphate, pantothenate, and succinate) up-regulated the expression of nur77, a transcriptional regulator of glucose utilization and lipid metabolism genes in skeletal muscle in vitro. Plasma metabolic profiles obtained during exercise provide signatures of exercise performance and cardiovascular disease susceptibility, in addition to highlighting molecular pathways that may modulate the salutary effects of exercise.
