PLoS ONE:对猪肉的偏好或与人体内OR7D4基因有关

2012-05-09 10:34 · elsa



发表在最近一期的《公共科学图书馆—综合》(PLoS ONE)上的一项研究发现,讨厌还是喜欢猪肉做成的菜可能与个人体内的OR7D4基因有关。





这项研究文章的第一作者松波广明(Hiroaki Matsunami)表示,该研究只揭开了这个谜题的一小部分,但是它为嗅觉和食物选择之间建立起联系,为将来研究提供了一个很好的方向。“当然在品尝食物过程中,人们还会受到很多其它基因和要素的影响,” 松波广明说。


Genetic Variation of an Odorant Receptor OR7D4 and Sensory Perception of Cooked Meat Containing Androstenone

Kathrine Lunde, Bjørg Egelandsdal, Ellen Skuterud, Joel D. Mainland, Tor Lea, Margrethe Hersleth, Hiroaki Matsunami

Although odour perception impacts food preferences, the effect of genotypic variation of odorant receptors (ORs) on the sensory perception of food is unclear. Human OR7D4 responds to androstenone, and genotypic variation in OR7D4 predicts variation in the perception of androstenone. Since androstenone is naturally present in meat derived from male pigs, we asked whether OR7D4 genotype correlates with either the ability to detect androstenone or the evaluation of cooked pork tainted with varying levels of androstenone within the naturally-occurring range. Consistent with previous findings, subjects with two copies of the functional OR7D4 RT variant were more sensitive to androstenone than subjects carrying a non-functional OR7D4 WM variant. When pork containing varying levels of androstenone was cooked and tested by sniffing and tasting, subjects with two copies of the RT variant tended to rate the androstenone-containing meat as less favourable than subjects carrying the WM variant. Our data is consistent with the idea that OR7D4 genotype predicts the sensory perception of meat containing androstenone and that genetic variation in an odorant receptor can alter food preferences.


关键词: 猪肉 OR7D4