Nature Genetics:安徽医科大学教授发现白癜风易感基因

2010-07-07 00:00 · Kate

由安徽医科大学教授张学军领衔的皮肤病遗传学研究团队通过全基因组关联分析研究,发现了白癜风易感基因,并首次在国际上明确白癜风是自身免疫性疾病。国际著名学术期刊《自然—遗传学》(Nature Genetics )日前在线发表了这项成果。该成果对于揭示白癜风发病机制具有重大意义,标志着

由安徽医科大学教授张学军领衔的皮肤病遗传学研究团队通过全基因组关联分析研究,发现了白癜风易感基因,并首次在国际上明确白癜风是自身免疫性疾病。国际著名学术期刊《自然—遗传学》(Nature Genetics )日前在线发表了这项成果。该成果对于揭示白癜风发病机制具有重大意义,标志着我国白癜风易感基因研究跻身世界领先行列。







Nature Genetics

Volume:42, Pages: 614–618 Year published: (2010)


Received 09 November 2009 Accepted 03 May 2010 Published online 06 June 2010

Genome-wide association study for vitiligo identifies susceptibility loci at 6q27 and the MHC

Cheng Quan,Yun-Qing Ren,Lei-Hong Xiang,Liang-Dan Sun,Ai-E Xu,Xing-Hua Gao,Hong-Duo Chen,Xiong-Ming Pu,Ri-Na Wu,Chao-Zhao Liang,Jia-Bin Li,Tian-Wen Gao,Jian-Zhong Zhang,Xiu-Li Wang,Jun Wang,Rong-Ya Yang,Ling Liang,Jian-Bin Yu,Xian-Bo Zuo,Sheng-Quan Zhang,Shu-Mei Zhang,Gang Chen,Xiao-Dong Zheng,Pan Li,Jun Zhu,

We conducted a genome-wide association study of generalized vitiligo in the Chinese Han population by genotyping 1,117 cases and 1,429 controls. The 34 most promising SNPs were carried forward for replication in samples from individuals of the Chinese Han (5,910 cases and 9,916 controls) and Chinese Uygur (713 cases and 824 controls) populations. We identified two independent association signals within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region (rs11966200, Pcombined = 1.48 × 1048, OR = 1.90; rs9468925, Pcombined = 2.21 × 1033, OR = 0.74). Further analyses suggested that the strong association at rs11966200 might reflect the reported association of the HLA-A*3001, HLA-B*1302, HLA-C*0602 and HLA-DRB1*0701 alleles and that the association at rs9468925 might represent a previously unknown HLA susceptibility allele. We also identified one previously undescribed risk locus at 6q27 (rs2236313, Pcombined = 9.72 × 1017, OR = 1.20), which contains three genes: RNASET2, FGFR1OP and CCR6. Our study provides new insights into the genetic basis of vitiligo.
