Nature Biotechnology :用反义RNA技术治疗乳腺癌细胞转移

2010-04-08 00:00 · Chasel




Robert Weinberg和同事合作,指出了用反义RNA治疗癌症转移的可行性。通过静脉注射反义RNA抑制转移前体小RNA,他们阻止了小鼠体内侵略性乳腺癌细胞的新转移。他们的反义RNA治疗不能阻止原发性肿瘤的生长或已经转移的癌细胞,但能将新形成的转移数量减少80%。



Nature Biotechnology doi:10.1038/nbt.1618

Therapeutic silencing of miR-10b inhibits metastasis in a mouse mammary tumor model

Li Ma, Ferenc Reinhardt, Elizabeth Pan, Jürgen Soutschek, Balkrishen Bhat, Eric G Marcusson, Julie Teruya-Feldstein, George W Bell " Robert A Weinberg

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are increasingly implicated in the regulation of metastasis. Despite their potential as targets for anti-metastatic therapy, miRNAs have only been silenced in normal tissues of rodents and nonhuman primates. Therefore, the development of effective approaches for sequence-specific inhibition of miRNAs in tumors remains a scientific and clinical challenge. Here we show that systemic treatment of tumor-bearing mice with miR-10b antagomirs―a class of chemically modified anti-miRNA oligonucleotide―suppresses breast cancer metastasis. Both in vitro and in vivo, silencing of miR-10b with antagomirs significantly decreases miR-10b levels and increases the levels of a functionally important miR-10b target, Hoxd10. Administration of miR-10b antagomirs to mice bearing highly metastatic cells does not reduce primary mammary tumor growth but markedly suppresses formation of lung metastases in a sequence-specific manner. The miR-10b antagomir, which is well tolerated by normal animals, appears to be a promising candidate for the development of new anti-metastasis agents.
