华盛顿大学研究人员的最新研究表明,通过以不同频率进行沟通,大脑网络可以避免在最繁忙的交互路口发生“塞车”。该研究发表在5月6号的Nature Neuroscience杂志上。
“许多的神经及精神方面的问题都可能涉及大脑网络信号的问题,”华盛顿大学的神经学教授Maurizio Corbetta表示,“从这个角度对大脑活动的临时性结构进行检测可能对了解精神疾病,如抑郁和精神分裂症等尤其有帮助,在这些疾病中结构性标记很稀少。”
“我们发现不同的大脑网络以不同的频率运转,就像是时钟以不同速度走动,”研究的作者Joerg Hipp博士说道。
Large-scale cortical correlation structure of spontaneous oscillatory activity
Joerg F Hipp, David J Hawellek, Maurizio Corbetta, Markus Siegel & Andreas K Engel
Little is known about the brain-wide correlation of electrophysiological signals. We found that spontaneous oscillatory neuronal activity exhibited frequency-specific spatial correlation structure in the human brain. We developed an analysis approach that discounts spurious correlation of signal power caused by the limited spatial resolution of electrophysiological measures. We applied this approach to source estimates of spontaneous neuronal activity reconstructed from magnetoencephalography. Overall, correlation of power across cortical regions was strongest in the alpha to beta frequency range (8–32 Hz) and correlation patterns depended on the underlying oscillation frequency. Global hubs resided in the medial temporal lobe in the theta frequency range (4–6 Hz), in lateral parietal areas in the alpha to beta frequency range (8–23 Hz) and in sensorimotor areas for higher frequencies (32–45 Hz). Our data suggest that interactions in various large-scale cortical networks may be reflected in frequency-specific power envelope correlations.