据新华社伦敦5月1日电 (记者黄堃)英国一项新研究发现,一个基因的状况与乳腺癌风险有关,通过血液检测可以在乳腺癌发病前数年就探知这个基因的异常变化,将来有望在此基础上开发出预测乳腺癌风险的方法。
英国帝国理工学院等机构研究人员在新一期Cancer Research杂志上发表报告说,他们调查了1300多名女性的健康记录,她们在过去一二十年中都定期抽检血样,其中有600多人后来患上乳腺癌。
Intragenic ATM Methylation in Peripheral Blood DNA as a Biomarker of Breast Cancer Risk
Kevin Brennan, Montserrat Garcia-Closas, Nick Orr, Olivia Fletcher, Michael Jones, Alan Ashworth, Anthony Swerdlow, Heather Thorne; on behalf of KConFab Investigators, Elio Riboli, Paolo Vineis, Miren Dorronsoro, Francoise Clavel-Chapelon, Salvatore Panico, N. Charlotte Onland-Moret, Dimitrios Trichopoulos, Rudolf Kaaks, Kay-Tee Khaw, Robert Brown and James M. Flanagan
Few studies have evaluated the association between DNA methylation in white blood cells (WBC) and the risk of breast cancer. The evaluation of WBC DNA methylation as a biomarker of cancer risk is of particular importance as peripheral blood is often available in prospective cohorts and easier to obtain than tumor or normal tissues. Here, we used prediagnostic blood samples from three studies to analyze WBC DNA methylation of two ATM intragenic loci (ATMmvp2a and ATMmvp2b) and genome-wide DNA methylation in long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE1) repetitive elements. Samples were from a case–control study derived from a cohort of high-risk breast cancer families (KConFab) and nested case–control studies in two prospective cohorts: Breakthrough Generations Study (BGS) and European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Bisulfite pyrosequencing was used to quantify methylation from 640 incident cases of invasive breast cancer and 741 controls. Quintile analyses for ATMmvp2a showed an increased risk of breast cancer limited to women in the highest quintile [OR, 1.89; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.36–2.64; P = 1.64 × 10−4]. We found no significant differences in estimates across studies or in analyses stratified by family history or menopausal status. However, a more consistent association was observed in younger than in older women and individually significant in KConFab and BGS, but not EPIC. We observed no differences in LINE1 or ATMmvp2b methylation between cases and controls. Together, our findings indicate that WBC DNA methylation levels at ATM could be a marker of breast cancer risk and further support the pursuit of epigenome-wide association studies of peripheral blood DNA methylation.