PLoS ONE:抗药性HIV基因的成功鉴定

2010-12-12 00:00 · Duke

当前,全球范围内有3800万人感染了艾滋病毒,并且每年增加410万艾滋病患者。对于科学家而言,了解更多关于艾滋病病毒的变异和抗药性机制,这是长期有效治疗艾滋病所必不可少的。 来自维多利亚大学的生物医学工程师Stephanie Willerth发现了一项新的医学突破!它大大的加深了


来自维多利亚大学的生物医学工程师Stephanie Willerth发现了一项新的医学突破!它大大的加深了人们对艾滋病的了解并且告诉我们如何去对待它!该文发表于PLoS ONE上。







PLoS ONE 5(10): e13564. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013564

Development of a Low Bias Method for Characterizing Viral Populations Using Next Generation Sequencing Technology

Stephanie M. Willerth1#, Hélder A. M. Pedro2#, Lior Pachter3, Laurent M. Humeau4, Adam P. Arkin2*, David V. Schaffer1,2*

1 Department of Chemical Engineering and the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, University of California, Berkeley, California, United States of America, 2 Department of Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley, California, United States of America, 3 Department of Mathematics and Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley, California, United States of America, 4 VIRxSYS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States of America


With an estimated 38 million people worldwide currently infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and an additional 4.1 million people becoming infected each year, it is important to understand how this virus mutates and develops resistance in order to design successful therapies.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We report a novel experimental method for amplifying full-length HIV genomes without the use of sequence-specific primers for high throughput DNA sequencing, followed by assembly of full length viral genome sequences from the resulting large dataset. Illumina was chosen for sequencing due to its ability to provide greater coverage of the HIV genome compared to prior methods, allowing for more comprehensive characterization of the heterogeneity present in the HIV samples analyzed. Our novel amplification method in combination with Illumina sequencing was used to analyze two HIV populations: a homogenous HIV population based on the canonical NL4-3 strain and a heterogeneous viral population obtained from a HIV patient's infected T cells. In addition, the resulting sequence was analyzed using a new computational approach to obtain a consensus sequence and several metrics of diversity.


This study demonstrates how a lower bias amplification method in combination with next generation DNA sequencing provides in-depth, complete coverage of the HIV genome, enabling a stronger characterization of the quasispecies present in a clinically relevant HIV population as well as future study of how HIV mutates in response to a selective pressure.
