
2010-12-02 00:00 · amy

生物多样性的变化有可能增加或降低植物和动物(包括人类)中传染病的发病率,因为它们涉及物种之间的相互作用。至少涉及宿主和病原体之间的相互作用,而且经常还涉及很多其他物种,包括其他宿主、传播媒介和这些生物与之相互作用的其他生物。Felicia Keesing及其同事评述了生物多样性降

生物多样性的变化有可能增加或降低植物和动物(包括人类)中传染病的发病率,因为它们涉及物种之间的相互作用。至少涉及宿主和病原体之间的相互作用,而且经常还涉及很多其他物种,包括其他宿主、传播媒介和这些生物与之相互作用的其他生物。Felicia Keesing及其同事评述了生物多样性降低影响人类、其他动物和植物的传染病之传播的证据。尽管还有重要的问题有待回答,但他们仍得出这样的结论:生物多样性对传染病有正面影响的证据非常有力,足以让我们将生物多样性保护作为改善人们健康状况的一个策略。


Nature doi:10.1038/nature09575

Impacts of biodiversity on the emergence and transmission of infectious diseases

Felicia Keesing1, Lisa K. Belden2, Peter Daszak3, Andrew Dobson4, C. Drew Harvell5, Robert D. Holt6, Peter Hudson7, Anna Jolles8, Kate E. Jones9, Charles E. Mitchell10, Samuel S. Myers11, Tiffany Bogich3 " Richard S. Ostfeld12

Top of pageAbstractCurrent unprecedented declines in biodiversity reduce the ability of ecological communities to provide many fundamental ecosystem services. Here we evaluate evidence that reduced biodiversity affects the transmission of infectious diseases of humans, other animals and plants. In principle, loss of biodiversity could either increase or decrease disease transmission. However, mounting evidence indicates that biodiversity loss frequently increases disease transmission. In contrast, areas of naturally high biodiversity may serve as a source pool for new pathogens. Overall, despite many remaining questions, current evidence indicates that preserving intact ecosystems and their endemic biodiversity should generally reduce the prevalence of infectious diseases.
