PLoS Pathog.:揭开免疫系统对抗肺炎感染机制

2010-11-16 00:00 · fox

据英国《每日电讯报》报道,英国科学家宣布,他们发现了身体自然对抗引发肺炎和脑膜炎的肺炎链球菌的新方式,朝研制出治疗肺炎和脑膜炎的通用型疫苗又前进了一大步。该研究发表在《美国科学公共图书馆病原体》杂志上。 英国莱斯特大学和都柏林圣三一学院的研究人员在论文中以《理解上的巨大突破》为题







PLoS Pathog doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1001191

Pneumolysin Activates the NLRP3 Inflammasome and Promotes Proinflammatory Cytokines Independently of TLR4

Edel A. McNeela1, áine Burke1, Daniel R. Neill2, Cathy Baxter1, Vitor E. Fernandes2, Daniela Ferreira2, Sarah Smeaton2, Rana El-Rachkidy2, Rachel M. McLoughlin3, Andres Mori1, Barry Moran3, Katherine A. Fitzgerald4, Jurg Tschopp5, Virginie Pétrilli5, Peter W. Andrew2, Aras Kadioglu2*, Ed C. Lavelle1*

1 Adjuvant Research Group, School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 2 Department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom, 3 School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 4 Department of Medicine, University of Massachusetts, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States of America, 5 Department of Biochemistry, University of Lausanne, Epalinges, Switzerland

Pneumolysin (PLY) is a key Streptococcus pneumoniae virulence factor and potential candidate for inclusion in pneumococcal subunit vaccines. Dendritic cells (DC) play a key role in the initiation and instruction of adaptive immunity, but the effects of PLY on DC have not been widely investigated. Endotoxin-free PLY enhanced costimulatory molecule expression on DC but did not induce cytokine secretion. These effects have functional significance as adoptive transfer of DC exposed to PLY and antigen resulted in stronger antigen-specific T cell proliferation than transfer of DC exposed to antigen alone. PLY synergized with TLR agonists to enhance secretion of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-12, IL-23, IL-6, IL-1β, IL-1α and TNF-α by DC and enhanced cytokines including IL-17A and IFN-γ by splenocytes. PLY-induced DC maturation and cytokine secretion by DC and splenocytes was TLR4-independent. Both IL-17A and IFN-γ are required for protective immunity to pneumococcal infection and intranasal infection of mice with PLY-deficient pneumococci induced significantly less IFN-γ and IL-17A in the lungs compared to infection with wild-type bacteria. IL-1β plays a key role in promoting IL-17A and was previously shown to mediate protection against pneumococcal infection. The enhancement of IL-1β secretion by whole live S. pneumoniae and by PLY in DC required NLRP3, identifying PLY as a novel NLRP3 inflammasome activator. Furthermore, NLRP3 was required for protective immunity against respiratory infection with S. pneumoniae. These results add significantly to our understanding of the interactions between PLY and the immune system.
