The Lancet:鸡尾酒疗法有效降低HIV传播风险

2010-05-27 00:00 · Cecil

5月26日,美国研究人员公布的研究成果显示,常用于治疗艾滋病的鸡尾酒疗法还可以显着降低艾滋病病毒的传播风险。 华盛顿大学、弗雷德哈钦森癌症研究中心等机构的研究人员对非洲7国的3381对异性伴侣进行了研究,每对伴侣中只有一人的艾滋病病毒检测结果呈阳性。研究开始时,他们接受了艾滋病






The Lancet doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)60705-2

Heterosexual HIV-1 transmission after initiation of antiretroviral therapy: a prospective cohort analysis

Dr Deborah Donnell PhD a b , Jared M Baeten MD b c d, James Kiarie MBChB b f, Katherine K Thomas MS b, Wendy Stevens MBBCh g, Craig R Cohen MD i, James McIntyre MBBCh h, Jairam R Lingappa MD b c e, Connie Celum MD b c d, for the Partners in Prevention HSV/HIV Transmission Study Team


High plasma HIV-1 RNA concentrations are associated with increased risk of HIV-1 transmission. Initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) reduces plasma HIV-1 concentrations. We aimed to assess the effect of ART use by patients infected with HIV-1 on risk of transmission to their uninfected partners.


Participants in our prospective cohort analysis were from a randomised placebo-controlled trial that enrolled heterosexual African adults who were seropositive for both HIV-1 and herpes simplex virus type 2, and their HIV-1 seronegative partners. At enrolment, HIV-1 infected participants had CD4 counts of 250 cells per μL or greater and did not meet national guidelines for ART initiation; during 24 months of follow-up, CD4 counts were measured every 6 months and ART was initiated in accordance with national guidelines. Uninfected partners were tested for HIV-1 every 3 months. The primary outcome was genetically-linked HIV-1 transmission within the study partnership. We assessed rates of HIV-1 transmission by ART status of infected participants.


3381 couples were eligible for analysis. 349 (10%) participants with HIV-1 initiated ART during the study, at a median CD4 cell count of 198 (IQR 161―265) cells per μL. Only one of 103 genetically-linked HIV-1 transmissions was from an infected participant who had started ART, corresponding to transmission rates of 037 (95% CI 009―204) per 100 person-years in those who had initiated treatment and 224 (184―272) per 100 person-years in those who had not―a 92% reduction (adjusted incidence rate ratio 008, 95% CI 000―057, p=0004). In participants not on ART, the highest HIV-1 transmission rate (879 per 100 person-years) was from those with CD4 cell counts lower than 200 cells per μL. In couples in whom the untreated HIV-1 infected partner had a CD4 cell count greater than 200 cells per μL, 66 (70%) of 94 transmissions occurred when plasma HIV-1 concentrations exceeded 50 000 copies per mL.


Low CD4 cell counts and high plasma HIV-1 concentrations might guide use of ART to achieve an HIV-1 prevention benefit. Provision of ART to HIV-1 infected patients could be an effective strategy to achieve population-level reductions in HIV-1 transmission.


Bill " Melinda Gates Foundation; US National Institutes of Health.
