PLoS Pathogens:沃尔巴克氏菌有望控制登革热疫情

2010-04-06 00:00 · Abel

美国密歇根州立大学研究人员4月1日公布研究报告称,他们开发出一种利用沃尔巴克氏菌阻止登革热传播的方法,这项成果将有望用于控制登革热疫情。 研究人员表示,自然界中约28%的蚊子体内天然携带共生菌沃尔巴克氏菌,不过登革热的主要传播者――埃及伊蚊体内却不携带这种细菌。由于沃尔巴克氏菌可








PLoS Pathogens doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1000833

The Endosymbiotic Bacterium Wolbachia Induces Resistance to Dengue Virus in Aedes aegypti

Guowu Bian1, Yao Xu1, Peng Lu1, Yan Xie2, Zhiyong Xi1*

1 Department of Entomology and Genetics Program, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, United States of America, 2 Center for Statistical Training " Consulting, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, United States of America

Genetic strategies that reduce or block pathogen transmission by mosquitoes have been proposed as a means of augmenting current control measures to reduce the growing burden of vector-borne diseases. The endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia has long been promoted as a potential vehicle for introducing disease-resistance genes into mosquitoes, thereby making them refractory to the human pathogens they transmit. Given the large overlap in tissue distribution and intracellular localization between Wolbachia and dengue virus in mosquitoes, we conducted experiments to characterize their interactions. Our results show that Wolbachia inhibits viral replication and dissemination in the main dengue vector, Aedes aegypti. Moreover, the virus transmission potential of Wolbachia-infected Ae. aegypti was significantly diminished when compared to wild-type mosquitoes that did not harbor Wolbachia. At 14 days post-infection, Wolbachia completely blocked dengue transmission in at least 37.5% of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. We also observed that this Wolbachia-mediated viral interference was associated with an elevated basal immunity and increased longevity in the mosquitoes. These results underscore the potential usefulness of Wolbachia-based control strategies for population replacement.
