科学家提出,让通过虱子传播的莱姆病病源体――莱姆病螺旋体(Borrelia burgdorferi)的一个基因不再活动可以阻止这种疾病的传播。此前的研究表明莱姆病螺旋体的bba64基因在进食的虱子体内表达,然而这种基因的功能尚不为人所知。
Robert Gilmore, Jr及其同事为小鼠注射了一种莱姆病螺旋体菌株,这种修改后的菌株的bba64基因被关闭了,然后让虱子以小鼠为食并获得了这种细菌。
PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1000268107
The bba64 gene of Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease agent, is critical for mammalian infection via tick bite transmission
Robert D. Gilmore Jr.a,1, Rebekah R. Howisona, Gabrielle Dietricha, Toni G. Pattona, Dawn R. Cliftonb, and James A. Carrollb,2
The spirochetal agent of Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, is transmitted by bites of Ixodes ticks to mammalian reservoir hosts and humans. The mechanism(s) by which the organism is trafficked from vector to host is poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrate that a B. burgdorferi mutant strain deficient in the synthesis of the bba64 gene product was incapable of infecting mice via tick bite even though the mutant was (i) infectious in mice when introduced by needle inoculation, (ii) acquired by larval ticks feeding on infected mice, and (iii) able to persist through tick molting stages. This finding of a B. burgdorferi gene required for pathogen transfer and/or survival from the tick to the susceptible host represents an important breakthrough toward understanding transmission mechanisms involved for the Lyme disease agent.