如果要使艾滋病流行得到控制、使HIV最终根绝的话,防止HIV/AIDS性器官粘膜传播(病毒感染的主要途径)的目标仍是一项优先任务。在一篇关注与粘膜传播相关的组织中的病理问题(尤其是在已经非常明确的“猴免疫缺陷病毒”的恒河猴模型中)的综述文章中,Ashley Haase认为,预防策略应以感染的最早阶段为目标――将疫苗和杀菌剂结合起来使用。
Nature vol.464 (7286), (11 Mar 2010) doi:10.1038/nature08757
Targeting early infection to prevent HIV-1 mucosal transmission
Measures to prevent sexual mucosal transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 are urgently needed to curb the growth of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) pandemic and ultimately bring it to an end. Studies in animal models and acute HIV-1 infection reviewed here reveal potential viral vulnerabilities at the mucosal portal of entry in the earliest stages of infection that might be most effectively targeted by vaccines and microbicides, thereby preventing acquisition and averting systemic infection, CD4 T-cell depletion and pathologies that otherwise rapidly ensue.