
2010-01-13 00:00 · cheng









PNAS January 11, 2010, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0907304107

Detecting and understanding combinatorial mutation patterns responsible for HIV drug resistance

Jing Zhanga,1, Tingjun Houb,1, Wei Wangc,2 and Jun S. Liua,2

aDepartment of Statistics, Harvard University, Science Center, 1 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA 02138;

cDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry Urey Hall, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0359; and

bFunctional Nano " Soft Materials Laboratory, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, P. R. China

We propose a systematic approach for a better understanding of how HIV viruses employ various combinations of mutations to resist drug treatments, which is critical to developing new drugs and optimizing the use of existing drugs. By probabilistically modeling mutations in the HIV-1 protease or reverse transcriptase (RT) isolated from drug-treated patients, we present a statistical procedure that first detects mutation combinations associated with drug resistance and then infers detailed interaction structures of these mutations. The molecular basis of our statistical predictions is further studied by using molecular dynamics simulations and free energy calculations. We have demonstrated the usefulness of this systematic procedure on three HIV drugs, (Indinavir, Zidovudine, and Nevirapine), discovered unique interaction features between viral mutations induced by these drugs, and revealed the structural basis of such interactions.
