
2010-01-15 00:00 · Beck

自2005年人博卡病毒首次发现以来,其流行性已在世界各地广泛报道。由中科院上海巴斯德研究所杜文圣研究员(Vincent Deubel)领导的新生病毒研究组通过各种实验手段,深入研究博卡病毒在病毒学及免疫学上的特性,发现了人博卡病毒感染与体液免疫反应的关系,以及在患有急性呼吸道感染

自2005年人博卡病毒首次发现以来,其流行性已在世界各地广泛报道。由中科院上海巴斯德研究所杜文圣研究员(Vincent Deubel)领导的新生病毒研究组通过各种实验手段,深入研究博卡病毒在病毒学及免疫学上的特性,发现了人博卡病毒感染与体液免疫反应的关系,以及在患有急性呼吸道感染的儿童中,博卡病毒与其他呼吸道病毒的高共感染性。这引起我们对该病毒适应宿主和协助其他病毒感染的可能性的警惕。该研究成果发表在2009年12月16日的临床病毒学杂志上(Journal of Clinical Virology)。







Journal of Clinical Virology doi:10.1016/j.jcv.2009.11.015

Correlation between bocavirus infection and humoral response, and co-infection with other respiratory viruses in children with acute respiratory infection

Kai Wanga, Wei Wanga, Huajie Yanb, Peijun Rena, Jing Zhanga, Jun Shenb and Vincent Deubela, ,

a Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Biological Sciences, Unit of Emerging Viruses, Shanghai, PR China

b Shanghai Nanxiang Hospital, Pediatric Department, Shanghai, PR China


Human bocavirus (HBoV), a recently discovered virus, is prevalent among children with respiratory tract infection throughout the world. Co-infection was frequently found in HBoV-positive patients. Thus, whether HBoV is responsible for the respiratory disease is still arguable.


A comprehensive study was carried out to integrate clinical and virological prevalence in HBoV-positive outpatient children, and to determine genetic and serologic characteristics of HBoV in Shanghai, China.

Study design

Nasal/throat swabs and sera were obtained over a 2-year period from 817 children with respiratory tract infection to examine the presence of HBoV and its co-infection. The seroepidemiology of HBoV was studied by ELISA and Western blot against the capsid protein VP2-based fragment. Persistence of HBoV was also analyzed in 12 pairs of return-visit cases.


HBoV was identified in 96 samples (11.8%). The co-infection rate with other respiratory viruses was 51%. IgM was detected in 55.7% of HBoV RT-PCR-positive patients, and in 72.7% of those who had high viral genome load. In addition, persistent viral DNA positivity was detected in 10 of 12 HBoV-positive cases tested, an average of 14 days later, and one child was still HBoV-positive after 31 days.


HBoV was found frequently in children with respiratory tract symptoms associated with other respiratory viruses, and persisted in the respiratory tract and in serum and urine. The presence of IgM was significantly more prevalent in viremic patients and those diagnosed with high load of HBoV DNA in nasal/throat swabs.
