植物药Kava的肝毒作用是近年来的一个热点课题。Kava(咔哇)为Piper methysticum Foster,是一种原产于太平洋波利尼西亚群岛的一个传统药用植物,具有疏松肌肉、兴奋神经和精神愉悦的作用。该植物在当地十分珍贵,曾一度只供上流社会在庆典和宴会中使用,直到后来规模化栽培成功后才进入普通消费者中。近来的药理研究表明,Kava的主要活性成分咔哇内酯类化合物具有良好的抗焦虑、抗抑郁和镇静功能。20世纪80年代Kava进入制剂作为食品补充剂进入欧美市场,被广泛用于精神紧张和抑郁症,一直占据着欧美植物药市场销售的前五名。
中科院华南植物园农业及食品质量安全领域邱声祥博士是最早涉及这一研究领域的科学家之一。他联合了包括中国药科大学、美国华盛顿大学(Washington University)医学部、美国加州大学医学院、美国FDA毒理研究中心、美国夏威夷大学、美国Naturex公司等机构和科学家对“Kava-肝毒”课题进行协同攻关,经过多年努力终于取得重大突破。研究人员首次证明Kava的肝毒成分为茶儿酮FKB,并通过细胞形态学变化观察、肝功能生化指标和功能酶活性测定、细胞凋亡、信号转导和体内无损伤荧光成像等先进技术,对其肝毒机制进行了阐明,提出了“FKB是Kava的原有成分,它不溶于水,也难以被水和椰子汁浸出,但极易被丙酮、乙醇等有机溶剂提取出来,而这正是Kava在原产地无毒(当地习惯以水泡或椰子汁泡后饮用)而在西方特别是欧美(一般以丙酮提取物为原料制成胶囊剂)才会发生肝毒的原因”的解释,并在此基础上提出了避免和防止Kava肝毒的方法。这一研究成果现已得到学术界的广泛认同,并产生了很大的反响。
该研究成果已发表在国际著名科学杂志The FASEB Journal(2010, 24:4722-4732)上。这标志着华南植物园在该领域的研究达到国际先进水平。
The FASEB Journal doi: 10.1096/fj.10-163311
Flavokawain B, the hepatotoxic constituent from kava root, induces GSH-sensitive oxidative stress through modulation of IKK/NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways
Ping Zhou*§,1, Shimon Gross??,1, Ji-Hua Liu‖,1, Bo-Yang Yu‖, Ling-Ling Feng?, Jan Nolta*§, Vijay Sharma?, David Piwnica-Worms?? and Samuel X. Qiu?,2
Kava (Piper methysticum Foster, Piperaceae) organic solvent-extract has been used to treat mild to moderate anxiety, insomnia, and muscle fatigue in Western countries, leading to its emergence as one of the 10 best-selling herbal preparations. However, several reports of severe hepatotoxicity in kava consumers led the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and authorities in Europe to restrict sales of kava-containing products. Herein we demonstrate that flavokawain B (FKB), a chalcone from kava root, is a potent hepatocellular toxin, inducing cell death in HepG2 (LD50=15.3±0.2 μM) and L-02 (LD50=32 μM) cells. Hepatocellular toxicity of FKB is mediated by induction of oxidative stress, depletion of reduced glutathione (GSH), inhibition of IKK activity leading to NF-κB transcriptional blockade, and constitutive TNF-α-independent activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways, namely, ERK, p38, and JNK. We further demonstrate by noninvasive bioluminescence imaging that oral consumption of FKB leads to inhibition of hepatic NF-κB transcriptional activity in vivo and severe liver damage. Surprisingly, replenishment with exogenous GSH normalizes both TNF-α-dependent NF-κB as well as MAPK signaling and rescues hepatocytes from FKB-induced death. Our data identify FKB as a potent GSH-sensitive hepatotoxin, levels of which should be specifically monitored and controlled in kava-containing herb products.―Zhou, P., Gross, S., Liu, J.-H., Yu, B.-Y., Feng, L.-L., Nolta, J., Sharma, V., Piwnica-Worms, D., Qiu, S. X. Flavokawain B, the hepatotoxic constituent from kava root, induces GSH-sensitive oxidative stress through modulation of IKK/NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways.