Sci Transl Med:一组单字母变异可影响前列腺特异抗原PSA的个体基线水平

2010-12-17 00:00 · Sara


近日由来自冰岛、英国、美国、荷兰、西班牙和罗马尼亚等多个国家的科学家组成的一个国际研究小组在一份最新的研究报告上说他们在人类基因组序列中发现了一组单字母的变异(或称SNPs),并证实这组SNPs可以影响前列腺特异抗原PSA的个体基线水平。研究论文发表在12月15日的《科学转化医学》(Science Translational Medicine)杂志上。

在西方国家,前列腺癌是男性中最常见的癌症,它也是男性癌症相关死亡中的最主要的原因之一。 前列腺癌的早期诊断和治疗是提高患者存活率的关键因素。检测PSA的浓度是前列腺癌筛检中最常使用的一种检测方法。而当检测者的PSA超过某一临界值时,常规会推荐他们进一步接受前列腺活组织检查。尽管癌症筛检一般认为是一件有益的事,但用PSA测试来筛检前列腺癌仍然是有争议的;其大部分的原因是因为PSA浓度的增加可以是由非前列腺癌的因素引起的。 有关PSA测试的另外一个问题是如何定义PSA的“异常”。 例如,年龄较长的男性通常会比那些较年轻的男性有着更高的PSA值。 因此,在某些男性中,PSA测试会错失对前列腺癌的诊断,但在另外一些人中,PSA检查则会产生假阳性结果或检测出非常早期的不需要立刻治疗的前列腺癌。


在接下来的研究中,科学家们探讨了如何利用他们发现的SNPs制备个体化的PSA浓度基准。研究人员披露了与PSA基础水平有关的4个SNPs。 并详细描述了如何利用这4种SNPs确定从一名怀疑有前列腺癌的人身上取得的活检样本的个性化的临界值。利用这一个体化的临界值可以更精确地鉴定哪些检测者更有可能获得阳性的活检结果,并应在何时接受推荐的检测。此外,这一个性化临界值还可提高正与负活检的比例。

“早期发现前列腺癌对于提高疾病治疗的成功率具有重要的意义。高效率地鉴别出高风险人群以及患有侵袭性前列腺癌的人并降低活检的阴性率仍是目前面临的一个巨大挑战。长期以来科学家们都在致力提高PSA检测的灵敏度和特异性。就像机体内的蛋白质一样,个人之间的PSA水平受到调控基因表达的SNPs的影响。利用我们发现的SNPs能够制备出个体化的PSA基准,从而能够更精确地确定需要接受活检的男性的比例。目前我们努力地将这些标记整合到现存的PSA检验中去,”文章的资深作者,冰岛deCODE公司的首席执行官Kari Stefansson说道。(生物谷


Sci Transl Med DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3001513

Genetic Correction of PSA Values Using Sequence Variants Associated with PSA Levels

Julius Gudmundsson1,*?, Soren Besenbacher1,*, Patrick Sulem1,*, Daniel F. Gudbjartsson1, Isleifur Olafsson2, Sturla Arinbjarnarson3, Bjarni A. Agnarsson2,4, Kristrun R. Benediktsdottir2,4, Helgi J. Isaksson2, Jelena P. Kostic1, Sigurjon A. Gudjonsson1, Simon N. Stacey1, Arnaldur Gylfason1, Asgeir Sigurdsson1, Hilma Holm1, Unnur S. Bjornsdottir4, Gudmundur I. Eyjolfsson5, Sebastian Navarrete6, Fernando Fuertes6, Maria D. Garcia-Prats7, Eduardo Polo8, Ionel A. Checherita9, Mariana Jinga9, Paula Badea10, Katja K. Aben11,12, Jack A. Schalken13, Inge M. van Oort13, Fred C. Sweep14, Brian T. Helfand15, Michael Davis16, Jenny L. Donovan16, Freddie C. Hamdy17, Kristleifur Kristjansson1, Jeffrey R. Gulcher1, Gisli Masson1, Augustine Kong1, William J. Catalona15, Jose I. Mayordomo18, Gudmundur Geirsson2, Gudmundur V. Einarsson2, Rosa B. Barkardottir2,4, Eirikur Jonsson2, Viorel Jinga9, Dana Mates10, Lambertus A. Kiemeney11,12,13, David E. Neal19, Unnur Thorsteinsdottir1,4, Thorunn Rafnar1 and Kari Stefansson1,4,?


Measuring serum levels of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is the most common screening method for prostate cancer. However, PSA levels are affected by a number of factors apart from neoplasia. Notably, around 40% of the variability of PSA levels in the general population is accounted for by inherited factors, suggesting that it may be possible to improve both sensitivity and specificity by adjusting test results for genetic effects. To search for sequence variants that associate with PSA levels, we performed a genome-wide association study and follow-up analysis using PSA information from 15,757 Icelandic and 454 British men not diagnosed with prostate cancer. Overall, we detected a genome-wide significant association between PSA levels and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at six loci: 5p15.33 (rs2736098), 10q11 (rs10993994), 10q26 (rs10788160), 12q24 (rs11067228), 17q12 (rs4430796), and 19q13.33 [rs17632542 (KLK3: I179T)], each with Pcombined <3 × 10?10. Among 3834 men who underwent a biopsy of the prostate, the 10q26, 12q24, and 19q13.33 alleles that associate with high PSA levels are associated with higher probability of a negative biopsy (odds ratio between 1.15 and 1.27). Assessment of association between the six loci and prostate cancer risk in 5325 cases and 41,417 controls from Iceland, the Netherlands, Spain, Romania, and the United States showed that the SNPs at 10q26 and 12q24 were exclusively associated with PSA levels, whereas the other four loci also were associated with prostate cancer risk. We propose that a personalized PSA cutoff value, based on genotype, should be used when deciding to perform a prostate biopsy.
