α-胡萝卜素是一种强力抗氧化剂,只需消费富含蔬菜和水果的饮食即可获得。该超级营养素在天然果蔬的色彩缤纷的皮肉中很多。刊登在《内科医学档案》(Archives of Internal Medicine)中的一项对15万名男性和女性血液中的α-胡萝卜素水平进行18年追踪调查的研究发现血液中α-胡萝卜素饱和度和死亡风险有直接联系。
发表在《癌症流行病学、生物标记和预防》(Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers " Prevention)杂志中的一项研究发现使用不同种类丰富水果能降低23%肺癌风险。该研究还发现在此基础上,食用更多种类的水果能进一步降低风险,且和单种水果消费量无关。至少同时消费8种水果的预防效果最为明显,其中,每增加一种水果,风险再降低4%。
Arch Intern Med doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2010.440
Serum -Carotene Concentrations and Risk of Death Among US Adults
Chaoyang Li, MD, PhD; Earl S. Ford, MD, MPH; Guixiang Zhao, MD, PhD; Lina S. Balluz, MPH, ScD; Wayne H. Giles, MD, MS; Simin Liu, MD, ScD
Background Much research has been conducted relating total carotenoids―and β-carotene in particular―to risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Limited data are emerging to implicate the important role of -carotene in the development of CVD or cancer.
Methods We assessed the direct relationship between -carotene concentrations and risk of death among 15 318 US adults 20 years and older who participated in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Follow-up Study. We used Cox proportional hazard regression analyses to estimate the relative risk for death from all causes and selected causes associated with serum -carotene concentrations.
Results Compared with participants with serum -carotene concentrations of 0 to 1 μg/dL (to convert to micromoles per liter, multiply by 0.01863), those with higher serum levels had a lower risk of death from all causes (P & .001 for linear trend): the relative risk for death was 0.77 (95% confidence interval, 0.68-0.87) among those with -carotene concentrations of 2 to 3 μg/dL, 0.73 (0.65-0.83) among those with concentrations of 4 to 5 μg/dL, 0.66 (0.55-0.79) among those with concentrations of 6 to 8 μg/dL, and 0.61 (0.51-0.73) among those with concentrations of 9 μg/dL or higher after adjustment for potential confounding variables. We also found significant associations between serum -carotene concentrations and risk of death from CVD (P = .007), cancer (P = .02), and all other causes (P & .001). The association between serum -carotene concentrations and risk of death from all causes was significant in most subgroups stratified by demographic characteristics, lifestyle habits, and health risk factors.
Conclusions Serum -carotene concentrations were inversely associated with risk of death from all causes, CVD, cancer, and all other causes. These findings support increasing fruit and vegetable consumption as a means of preventing premature death.