
2010-11-16 00:00 · Truda

近期研究人员证实一个特异基因的突变可影响急性髓系白血病(AML)的治疗预后,研究报告在线发表在11月11号的《新英格兰医学期刊》(New England Journal of Medicine)上。 华盛顿大学圣路易斯医学院的一个研究小组最初在对一个AML患者进行全基因组测序时发

近期研究人员证实一个特异基因的突变可影响急性髓系白血病(AML)的治疗预后,研究报告在线发表在11月11号的《新英格兰医学期刊》(New England Journal of Medicine)上。


“利用全基因组DNA测序技术我们筛选出了这个与癌症预后相关的高频突变基因,”美国国家人类基因组研究所(NHGRI)的主管Eric D. Green博士说:“这将有可能为医疗服务带来快速改变。现在医生们可通过对患者进行这些突变筛查来相应调整他们的治疗策略。”

这项研究是由来自华盛顿大学基因组中心以及华盛顿大学医学院和巴恩斯-犹太医院(Barnes-Jewish Hospital)下属的塞特癌症中心(Siteman Cancer Center)的研究人员共同完成的。在新研究中研究人员发现DNMT3A突变存在于21%的AML患者中,占基于实验室细胞检测归类于有中度治疗失败风险的患者34%的比例。在AML患者中通常有一半的人都被认为有中度治疗失败的风险,他们通常都接受常规的化疗治疗。

对于DNMT3A突变患者来说,化疗并不是最好的治疗选择。“目前我们还没有获得可靠的方法来预测哪些患者可能会对常规治疗产生反应,”论文的第一作者、华盛顿医学院医学教授、血液学家Timothy Ley说道:“根据我们的研究,在中度风险的AML患者中DNMT3A基因突变预示着不良的预后。”

携带突变的患者平均生存期通常只有一年,而无此突变的患者平均生存期则可达到约3.5年。“根据我们的研究,如果患者有DNMT3A突变,直接进行骨髓移植或更敏感的化疗或许将会是更积极有效的治疗方法,”论文的资深作者、华盛顿大学基因组中心主管Richard K. Wilson博士说。


美国国立卫生研究员主管Francis S. Collins博士说:“这一发现显示了癌症基因组综合分析的效力。利用高通量DNA测序技术研究人员能够发现所有引起癌症的常见遗传改变。利用这些信息,将推动开发出越来越多的靶向性治疗方法。”


NEJM doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1005143

DNMT3A Mutations in Acute Myeloid Leukemia


The genetic alterations responsible for an adverse outcome in most patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) are unknown


Using massively parallel DNA sequencing, we identified a somatic mutation in DNMT3A, encoding a DNA methyltransferase, in the genome of cells from a patient with AML with a normal karyotype. We sequenced the exons of DNMT3A in 280 additional patients with de novo AML to define recurring mutations.


A total of 62 of 281 patients (22.1%) had mutations in DNMT3A that were predicted to affect translation. We identified 18 different missense mutations, the most common of which was predicted to affect amino acid R882 (in 37 patients). We also identified six frameshift, six nonsense, and three splice-site mutations and a 1.5-Mbp deletion encompassing DNMT3A. These mutations were highly enriched in the group of patients with an intermediate-risk cytogenetic profile (56 of 166 patients, or 33.7%) but were absent in all 79 patients with a favorable-risk cytogenetic profile (P&0.001 for both comparisons). The median overall survival among patients with DNMT3A mutations was significantly shorter than that among patients without such mutations (12.3 months vs. 41.1 months, P&0.001). DNMT3A mutations were associated with adverse outcomes among patients with an intermediate-risk cytogenetic profile or FLT3 mutations, regardless of age, and were independently associated with a poor outcome in Cox proportional-hazards analysis


DNMT3A mutations are highly recurrent in patients with de novo AML with an intermediate-risk cytogenetic profile and are independently associated with a poor outcome. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health and others.
