J. Proteome Res.:利用尿液诊断自闭症患儿

2010-06-09 00:00 · amy

英、澳两国科学家近日研究发现,自闭症患儿尿液的化学成分不同于正常儿童。研究人员认为,该发现有助于开发出新型尿液检测法,使自闭症的及早诊断和治疗成为可能。相关研究发表在最新一期《蛋白质组学研究》杂志上。 自闭症又称孤独症,被归类为一种由神经系统失调导致的发育障碍,症状主要表现为社会








J. Proteome Res. DOI: 10.1021/pr901188e

Urinary Metabolic Phenotyping Differentiates Children with Autism from Their Unaffected Siblings and Age-Matched Controls

Ivan K. S. Yap?, Manya Angley??, Kirill A. Veselkov?, Elaine Holmes?, John C. Lindon? and Jeremy K. Nicholson*?

Biomolecular Medicine, Division of Surgery and Cancer, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, Sir Alexander Fleming Building, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom, and Sansom Institute, Division of Health Sciences, University of South Australia

Autism is an early onset developmental disorder with a severe life-long impact on behavior and social functioning that has associated metabolic abnormalities. The urinary metabolic phenotypes of individuals (age range=3?9 years old) diagnosed with autism using the DSM-IV-TR criteria (n = 39; male = 35; female = 4), together with their nonautistic siblings (n = 28; male = 14; female = 14) and age-matched healthy volunteers (n = 34, male = 17; female = 17) have been characterized for the first time using 1H NMR spectroscopy and pattern recognition methods. Novel findings associated with alterations in nicotinic acid metabolism within autistic individuals showing increased urinary excretion of N-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide, N-methyl nicotinic acid, and N-methyl nicotinamide indicate a perturbation in the tryptophan?nicotinic acid metabolic pathway. Multivariate statistical analysis indicated urinary patterns of the free amino acids, glutamate and taurine were significantly different between groups with the autistic children showing higher levels of urinary taurine and a lower level of urinary glutamate, indicating perturbation in sulfur and amino acid metabolism in these children. Additionally, metabolic phenotype (metabotype) differences were observed between autistic and control children, which were associated with perturbations in the relative patterns of urinary mammalian-microbial cometabolites including dimethylamine, hippurate, and phenyacetylglutamine. These biochemical changes are consistent with some of the known abnormalities of gut microbiota found in autistic individuals and the associated gastrointestinal dysfunction and may be of value in monitoring the success of therapeutic interventions.
