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这位研究员表示,参与者的脑活动水平与完全清醒的人类似――即使血压降至无法测量到的程度也是如此――能够产生生动逼真的画面和感觉。他在刊登于《姑息医学杂志》(Journal of Palliative Medicine)上的研究发现中指出:“根据我们的推测,如果这些患者能够苏醒过来,他们可能回想起这种电活动触发的画面和记忆。这是一种潜在的解释,解释很多患者苏醒过来后自称在濒死时有过灵魂出窍经历。”
Journal of Palliative Medicine doi:10.1089/jpm.2009.0159.
Surges of Electroencephalogram Activity at the Time of Death: A Case Series
Lakhmir S. Chawla, Seth Akst, Christopher Junker, Barbara Jacobs, Michael G. Seneff.
Level of consciousness at the end of life in critically ill patients is poorly characterized. We report a case series of seven patients who were neurologically intact before the decision to withdraw care due to extensive systemic critical illness. As part of our end-of-life care protocol, bispectral index (BIS) monitor (Aspect Medical Systems, Newton, MA) or SEDline? (Hospira, Lake Forest, IL) monitoring devices are placed on each patient to ensure adequate comfort. Both monitoring systems use an integer-based system (BIS or PSI, respectively) to reflect the level of consciousness/effect of anesthesia. In each case, loss of blood pressure, as monitored by indwelling arterial line, was followed by a decline is BIS/PSI activity followed by a transient spike in BIS/PSI activity that approached levels normally associated with consciousness. This spike in electroencephalogram (EEG) activity had short duration and the activity then declined to a level of activity associated with burst suppression. In one case of a patient who had a SEDLine? device, we were able to capture and analyze the raw EEG signal, and confirm that the EEG waveform was not artifact, and in fact a high frequency waveform was present during the spike activity. We speculate that this level of BIS/SEDline? activity is related to the cellullar loss of membrane polarization due to hypoxemia. We further speculate that since this increase in electrical activity occurred when there was no discernable blood pressure, patients who suffer “near death” experiences may be recalling the aggregate memory of the synaptic activity associated with this terminal but potentially reversible hypoxemia.