Gene&Development:MicroRNA140 或可催生关节炎治疗新方法。

2010-05-17 00:00 · Wanda

日本研究人员日前发现了一种对防止关节炎具有重要作用的小分子,有可能催生治疗关节炎和类风湿性关节炎的新方法。 日本国立儿童健康和发展研究所系统发生和再生医学研究部主任浅原弘嗣等研究人员注意到,人类和实验鼠的软骨细胞中富含“miR140”分子,这是一种微型核糖核酸,也即长约22个核苷








Gene " Development doi:10.1101/gad.1915510

MicroRNA-140 plays dual roles in both cartilage development and homeostasis

Shigeru Miyaki1,4, Tempei Sato2,4, Atsushi Inoue2, Shuhei Otsuki1, Yoshiaki Ito2, Shigetoshi Yokoyama2, Yoshio Kato3, Fuko Takemoto2, Tomoyuki Nakasa2, Satoshi Yamashita2, Shuji Takada2, Martin K. Lotz1, Hiroe Ueno-Kudo2 and Hiroshi Asahara1,2,5

Osteoarthritis (OA), the most prevalent aging-related joint disease, is characterized by insufficient extracellular matrix synthesis and articular cartilage degradation, mediated by several proteinases, including Adamts-5. miR-140 is one of a very limited number of noncoding microRNAs (miRNAs) specifically expressed in cartilage; however, its role in development and/or tissue maintenance is largely uncharacterized. To examine miR-140 function in tissue development and homeostasis, we generated a mouse line through a targeted deletion of miR-140. miR-140?/? mice manifested a mild skeletal phenotype with a short stature, although the structure of the articular joint cartilage appeared grossly normal in 1-mo-old miR-140?/? mice. Interestingly, miR-140?/? mice showed age-related OA-like changes characterized by proteoglycan loss and fibrillation of articular cartilage. Conversely, transgenic (TG) mice overexpressing miR-140 in cartilage were resistant to antigen-induced arthritis. OA-like changes in miR-140-deficient mice can be attributed, in part, to elevated Adamts-5 expression, regulated directly by miR-140. We show that miR-140 regulates cartilage development and homeostasis, and its loss contributes to the development of age-related OA-like changes.
