Arthritis & Rheumatism:大骨节病和骨性关节炎的基因表达差异

2010-05-28 00:00 · Cherry

2010年3月,西安交通大学医学院博士生段琛,在导师郭雄教授的指导下,与芬兰Kuopio大学Mikko Lammi教授合作,在世界顶级杂志 Arthritis & Rheumatism发表了封面文章。近日又被国际权威机构“Faculty of 1000 Medicine”特别认可

2010年3月,西安交通大学医学院博士生段琛,在导师郭雄教授的指导下,与芬兰Kuopio大学Mikko Lammi教授合作,在世界顶级杂志 Arthritis " Rheumatism发表了封面文章。近日又被国际权威机构“Faculty of 1000 Medicine”特别认可为“F1000论文”。


郭雄教授带领的“大骨节病病因发病机制与防治研究科研创新团队”受到多项国家自然科学基金、卫生部和陕西省科研资金支持,近年在国际最有影响力期刊Osteoarthritis and cartilage、The Journal of rheumatology等发表博士研究生论文。扩大了我校在该领域的国际影响;并积极将研究成果应用到临床防治中。

Arthritis " Rheumatism杂志在风湿病和关节炎领域5年平均影响因子为7.423,位居第一。该文章研究成果被美国专家Amanda E Nelson和 Joanne Jordan点评,并推荐为“F1000论文”。“F1000(Faculty of 1000 Medicine)”又名“千名医学家”,是由美国哈佛大学和英国剑桥大学等全世界2500 名国际顶级医学教授组成的国际权威机构。该机构专家根据论文对当前世界生物医学和临床实践的贡献程度和科学价值,每年对全球SCI文章总数不足千分之二的优秀精品医学论文进行推荐和点评,并赋予“F1000论文”称号向医学界推荐,涵盖了医学各个学科,是一项很高的学术荣誉。


Arthritis " Rheumatism DOI:10.1002/art.27282

Comparative analysis of gene expression profiles between primary knee osteoarthritis and an osteoarthritis endemic to Northwestern China, Kashin-Beck disease

Chen Duan 1, Xiong Guo 1 *, Xiao-Dong Zhang 2, Han-Jie Yu 3, Hua Yan 4, Ying Gao 4, Wei-Juan Ma 1, Zong-Qiang Gao 4, Peng Xu 5, Mikko Lammi 6

1Medical College of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

2First Affiliated Hospital, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

3Northwest University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

4Second Affiliated Hospital, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

5Xi'an Red Cross Hospital, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China

6University of Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland


To investigate the differences in gene expression profiles of adult articular cartilage from patients with Kashin-Beck disease (KBD) versus those with primary knee osteoarthritis (OA).


The messenger RNA expression profiles of articular cartilage from patients with KBD, diagnosed according to the clinical criteria for KBD in China, were compared with those of cartilage from patients with OA, diagnosed according to the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities OA Index. Total RNA was isolated separately from 4 pairs of the KBD and OA cartilage samples, and the expression profiles were evaluated by Agilent 4×44k Whole Human Genome density oligonucleotide microarray analysis. The microarray data for selected transcripts were confirmed by quantitative real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) amplification.


For 1.2 × 104 transcripts, corresponding to 58.4% of the expressed transcripts, 2-fold changes in differential expression were revealed. Expression levels higher in KBD than in OA samples were observed in a mean ± SD 6,439 ± 1,041 (14.6 ± 2.4%) of the transcripts, and expression levels were lower in KBD than in OA samples in 6,147 ± 1,222 (14.2 ± 2.8%) of the transcripts. After application of the selection criteria, 1.85% of the differentially expressed genes (P & 0.001 between groups) were detected. These included 233 genes, of which 195 (0.4%) were expressed at higher levels and 38 (0.08%) were expressed at lower levels in KBD than in OA cartilage. Comparisons of the quantitative RT-PCR data supported the validity of our microarray data.


Differences between KBD and OA cartilage exhibited a similar pattern among all 4 of the pairs examined, indicating the presence of disease mechanisms, mainly chondrocyte matrix metabolism, cartilage degeneration, and apoptosis induction pathways, which contribute to cartilage destruction in KBD.
