2009年4月24日,世界卫生组织(WHO)报告说出现了一种新的甲型流感(定名为2009流感A[H1N1])。 新加坡是在2009年5月的较晚时候发现了第一例的2009年甲型流感(H1N1)的输入病例。文章的作者写道:“病毒学的监测记录到了在2009年6月的后半个月中,该病毒在社区中有着持续性的传播,接着发生了一个单一的流行波,其尖峰时刻发生在8月的第一周,该波流行在2009年的9月消退。”
新加坡Tan Tock Seng Hospital的Mark I. C. Chen, Ph.D.及其同僚开展了一项研究,旨在用血样本来确定针对2009年甲型流感H1N1病毒在人群中的抗体浓度。该抗体浓度被当作是不同人群中的一种感染的标志。人们可用这种标志来比较这些人群的感染风险,并研究感染的风险因子。这项研究包括了来自4个不同人群的血清学样本:一般人群(n=838)、军事人员(n=1213)、某急症医院的职员(n=558)以及来自长期医护机构的居住者及其职员(n=300),样本采集的时间是从2009年6月22日至2009年10月15日。
在社区成员中,基础抗体滴度在40或以上的百分比为2.6%;在军事成员中,这一数字为9.4%;在医院职员中为6.6%;在长期护理机构的成员中为6.7%。研究人员发现在一次或以上的血清样板跟踪中,发生血清学转化的百分比在军事人员中为29.4%,在社区成员中为13.5%,在医院职员中为6.5%,在长期护理机构人员中为1.2%。 另外的分析表明,家庭中如有另外一名成员发生血清学转化的话,那么其仍然有较高的被感染可能性。 文章的作者写道:“我们的研究还显示了在感染风险上存在着差异,其中年龄较轻的人群以及军事成员的感染率要比其它人群高得多。在较年长的人群中的较低的感染率确证了其它的流行病学的观察。”
“总之,我们的研究显示,在不同的年龄组中,以血清学来决定的感染率存在着很大的差异;这表明人们需要考虑环境特异性的感染风险,以及需要根据人群的感染风险来量身打造不同的干预手段。 尽管新加坡的成年人群中看上去有很大的比例在第一波的流行之后仍然容易感染2009年的甲型流感(H1N1)病毒,但是,如果要出现明显的第二波的流行,需要有足够数量的易感儿童才会发生有效的传播。 人们需要考虑这些以及其它的一些因子以决定针对甲型流感(H1N1)大流行的最佳的疫苗接种策略。”
JAMA. 2010;303(14):1383-1391.
2009 Influenza A(H1N1) Seroconversion Rates and Risk Factors Among Distinct Adult Cohorts in Singapore
Mark I. C. Chen, PhD; Vernon J. M. Lee, MBBS; Wei-Yen Lim, MBBS; Ian G. Barr, PhD; Raymond T. P. Lin, MBBS; Gerald C. H. Koh, MBBS; Jonathan Yap, MBBS; Lin Cui, PhD; Alex R. Cook, PhD; Karen Laurie, PhD; Linda W. L. Tan, BSc; Boon Huan Tan, PhD; Jimmy Loh, MSc; Robert Shaw, BSc; Chris Durrant; Vincent T. K. Chow, PhD; Anne Kelso, PhD; Kee Seng Chia, MBBS; Yee Sin Leo, MBBS
Context Singapore experienced a single epidemic wave of 2009 influenza A(H1N1) with epidemic activity starting in late June 2009 and peaking in early August before subsiding within a month.
Objective To compare the risk and factors associated with H1N1 seroconversion in different adult cohorts.
Design, Setting, and Participants A study with serial serological samples from 4 distinct cohorts: general population (n = 838), military personnel (n = 1213), staff from an acute care hospital (n = 558), and staff as well as residents from long-term care facilities (n = 300) from June 22, 2009, to October 15, 2009. Hemagglutination inhibition results of serum samples taken before, during, and after the epidemic and data from symptom questionnaires are presented.
Main Outcome Measures A 4-fold or greater increase in titer between any of the 3 serological samples was defined as evidence of H1N1 seroconversion.
Results Baseline titers of 40 or more were observed in 22 members (2.6%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.7%-3.9%) of the community, 114 military personnel (9.4%; 95% CI, 7.9%-11.2%), 37 hospital staff (6.6%; 95% CI, 4.8%-9.0%), and 20 participants from long-term care facilities (6.7%; 95% CI, 4.4%-10.1%). In participants with 1 or more follow-up serum samples, 312 military personnel (29.4%; 95% CI, 26.8%-32.2%) seroconverted compared with 98 community members (13.5%; 95% CI, 11.2%-16.2%), 35 hospital staff (6.5%; 95% CI, 4.7%-8.9%), and only 3 long-term care participants (1.2%; 95% CI, 0.4%-3.5%). Increased frequency of seroconversion was observed for community participants from households in which 1 other member seroconverted (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 3.32; 95% CI, 1.50-7.33), whereas older age was associated with reduced odds of seroconversion (adjusted OR, 0.77 per 10 years; 95% CI, 0.64-0.93). Higher baseline titers were associated with decreased frequency of seroconversion in community (adjusted OR for every doubling of baseline titer, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.27-0.85), military (adjusted OR, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.61-0.81), and hospital staff cohorts (adjusted OR, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.26-0.93).
Conclusion Following the June-September 2009 wave of 2009 influenza A(H1N1), 13% of the community participants seroconverted, and most of the adult population likely remained susceptible.