过去已知道使用光动力疗法(PDT) 的治疗效果在病人间的差异很大,是和光敏感物质在照射组织的浓度有关,由王等发表在2010年二月份实验生物及医学 (Experimental Biology and Medicine) 期刊的研究建立一个萤光分析方法,不仅能半定量光敏感物质的浓度,也可以预测光动力治疗葡萄酒色斑(PWS)的疗效。
实验生物及医学期刊主编Steven R. Goodman说:“王等的研究指出萤光光谱仪可用来监测做PDT治疗时皮肤光敏感物质的浓度,它也提供一个预测PDT疗效有用的诊断工具。”
Exp. Biol. Med. 2010;235:viii doi:10.1258/ebm.2010.010f01
Fluorescence monitoring and prediction of therapeutic effect of photodynamic therapy for port wine stains
It is known that fluctuations in the treatment outcome of photodynamic therapy (PDT) between patients are related to the concentration of photosensitizer in the target tissue. The purpose of a study, by Wang et al., published on page 175 of this issue of Experimental Biology and Medicine was to establish a fluorescence method not only providing a semi-quantitative measurement of photosensitizer concentration but also predicting the efficacy of PDT for port wine stains (PWS).
This work was conducted by Ying Wang and Xiaohua Liao when they were postgraduate students under the direction of Professor Ying Gu and Professor Rong Chen, and colleagues in the Department of Laser Medicine at the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital. Currently, Ying Wang is a physician at Chinese PLA General Hospital and Xiaohua Liao works at Fujian Metrology Institute. An algorithm which can yield a semi-quantitative measurement of photosensitizer concentration was established in this study. Then a therapeutic effect correlation index (TECI) was proposed as the area under the photosensitizer concentration-time curve during PDT. The correlation between TECI and PDT treatment outcome was analyzed from 31 PWS patients at the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital.
Dr Wang noted that ‘A non-invasive fluorescence method that can monitor photosensitizer concentration during PDT for PWS was established, and a therapeutic effect correlation index (TECI) was verified to be positively correlated with PDT outcome for the first time in this paper.’
Dr Steven R Goodman, Editor-in-Chief of Experimental Biology and Medicine said ‘The results of the study by Wang et al. suggest that fluorescence spectroscopy can be used in situ to monitor skin photosensitizer concentration during PDT. This may provide a valuable diagnostic tool to predict PDT outcome.’