The Lancet:人工胰腺有望治疗1型糖尿病

2010-02-08 00:00 · Abraham

英国剑桥大学研究人员日前报告说,他们研发出一种智能“人工胰腺”,这种装置可以随着人体内血糖浓度的变化自动调整胰岛素的输入量,从而使糖尿病患者更好地控制血糖。 剑桥大学研究人员在最新一期《柳叶刀》杂志上报告说,这种“人工胰腺”使用的是市面上已有的血糖检测装置和胰岛素泵,但控制它们的







The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 5 February 2010doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(09)61998-X

Manual closed-loop insulin delivery in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: a phase 2 randomised crossover trial

Dr Roman Hovorka PhD a b , Janet M Allen RN a b, Daniela Elleri MD a b, Ludovic J Chassin PhD a b, Julie Harris RN b, Dongyuan Xing MPH c, Craig Kollman PhD c, Tomas Hovorka MSc a, Anne Mette F Larsen MSc a b, Marianna Nodale MSc a, Alessandra De Palma MD a, Malgorzata E Wilinska PhD a b, Carlo L Acerini MD a b, Prof David B Dunger MD a b


Closed-loop systems link continuous glucose measurements to insulin delivery. We aimed to establish whether closed-loop insulin delivery could control overnight blood glucose in young people.


We undertook three randomised crossover studies in 19 patients aged 5―18 years with type 1 diabetes of duration 64 years (SD 40). We compared standard continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion and closed-loop delivery (n=13; APCam01); closed-loop delivery after rapidly and slowly absorbed meals (n=7; APCam02); and closed-loop delivery and standard treatment after exercise (n=10; APCam03). Allocation was by computer-generated random code. Participants were masked to plasma and sensor glucose. In APCam01, investigators were masked to plasma glucose. During closed-loop nights, glucose measurements were fed every 15 min into a control algorithm calculating rate of insulin infusion, and a nurse adjusted the insulin pump. During control nights, patients' standard pump settings were applied. Primary outcomes were time for which plasma glucose concentration was 391―800 mmol/L or 390 mmol/L or lower. Analysis was per protocol. This trial is registered, number ISRCTN18155883.


17 patients were studied for 33 closed-loop and 21 continuous infusion nights. Primary outcomes did not differ significantly between treatment groups in APCam01 (12 analysed; target range, median 52% [IQR 43―83] closed loop vs 39% [15―51] standard treatment, p=006; ≤390 mmol/L, 1% [0―7] vs 2% [0―41], p=013), APCam02 (six analysed; target range, rapidly 53% [48―57] vs slowly absorbed meal 55% [37―64], p=097; ≤390 mmol/L, 0% [0―4] vs 0% [0―0], p=016]), and APCam03 (nine analysed; target range 78% [60―92] closed loop vs 43% [25―65] control, p=00245, not significant at corrected level; ≤390 mmol/L, 10% [2―15] vs 6% [0―44], p=027). A secondary analysis of pooled data documented increased time in the target range (60% [51―88] vs 40% [18―61]; p=00022) and reduced time for which glucose concentrations were 390 mmol/L or lower (21% (00―100) vs 41% (00―420); p=00304). No events with plasma glucose concentration lower than 30 mmol/L were recorded during closed-loop delivery, compared with nine events during standard treatment.


Closed-loop systems could reduce risk of nocturnal hypoglycaemia in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes.


Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation; European Foundation for Study of Diabetes; Medical Research Council Centre for Obesity and Related Metabolic Diseases; National Institute for Health Research Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre.
