巴斯特研究组发现,缺乏Fyn激酶的老鼠燃烧脂肪酸更多,消耗能量更多,也越来越瘦。这是“能量主开关”磷酸化腺苷酸活化蛋白激酶在它们脂肪和肌肉组织中含量较少的结果。 这些发现显示,这种酶有可能帮助开发一种减肥新药。现在,这项研究为用SU6656 药抑制Fyn激酶明显利于老鼠新陈代谢的说法提供了新的支持。
Cell Metabolism, Volume 11, Issue 2, 113-124, 3 February 2010 DOI:10.1016/j.cmet.2009.12.010
Fyn-Dependent Regulation of Energy Expenditure and Body Weight Is Mediated by Tyrosine Phosphorylation of LKB1
Eijiro Yamada, Jeffrey E. Pessin, Irwin J. Kurland, Gary J. Schwartz, Claire C. Bastie
Fyn null mice display reduced adiposity associated with increased fatty acid oxidation, energy expenditure, and activation of the AMP-dependent protein kinase (AMPK) in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue. The acute pharmacological inhibition of Fyn kinase activity with SU6656 in wild-type mice reproduces these metabolic effects and induced a specific reduction in fat mass with no change in lean mass. LKB1, the main upstream AMPK kinase (AMPKK) in peripheral tissues, was redistributed from the nucleus into the cytoplasm of cells treated with SU6656 and in cells expressing a kinase-deficient, but not a constitutively kinase-active, Fyn mutant. Moreover, Fyn kinase directly phosphorylated LKB1 on tyrosine 261 and 365 residues, and mutations of these sites resulted in LKB1 export into the cytoplasm and increased AMPK phosphorylation. These data demonstrate a crosstalk between Fyn tyrosine kinase and the AMPK energy-sensing pathway, through Fyn-dependent regulation of the AMPK upstream activator LKB1.