像脊柱裂这样的脊髓疾病,在病情发展过程中,脊髓细胞生长平坦,不能卷起形成椎管。根据12月6日Nature Cell Biology上的一篇文章,约翰霍普金斯大学医学院和加州大学伯克利分校的科学家发现了一个先前未知的关于蛋白运输和老鼠脊髓发展的关联。这项发现为脊髓缺陷研究开辟了新的道路。
神经学教授David Ginty介绍说,这项研究最让人欣喜的地方是,发现了脊髓缺陷与蛋白质分泌体系和神经管封闭的关联。
Nature Cell Biology 12, 41 - 46 (2010) 6 December 2009 | doi:10.1038/ncb2002
Sec24b selectively sorts Vangl2 to regulate planar cell polarity during neural tube closure
Janna Merte1,4, Devon Jensen2,4, Kevin Wright1, Sarah Sarsfield1, Yanshu Wang3, Randy Schekman2 " David D. Ginty1
Craniorachischisis is a rare but severe birth defect that results in a completely open neural tube. Mouse mutants in planar cell polarity (PCP) signalling components have deficits in the morphological movements of convergent extension that result in craniorachischisis. Using a forward genetic screen in mice, we identified Sec24b, a cargo-sorting member of the core complex of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-Golgi transport vesicle COPII, as critical for neural tube closure. Sec24bY613 mutant mice exhibit craniorachischisis, deficiencies in convergent extension and other PCP-related phenotypes. Vangl2, a key component of the PCP-signalling pathway critical for convergent extension, is selectively sorted into COPII vesicles by Sec24b. Moreover, Sec24bY613 genetically interacts with a loss-of-function Vangl2 allele (Vangl2LP), causing a marked increase in the prevalence of spina bifida. Interestingly, the Vangl2 looptail point mutants Vangl2D255E and Vangl2S464N, known to cause defects in convergent extension, fail to sort into COPII vesicles and are trapped in the ER. Thus, during COPII vesicle formation, Sec24b shows cargo specificity for a core PCP component, Vangl2, of which proper ER-to-Golgi transport is essential for the establishment of PCP, convergent extension and closure of the neural tube.
1 The Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA.
2 Department of Molecular and Cell Biology and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.
3 Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA.
4 These authors contributed equally to this work.