FASEB Journal:早衰症患者服用维生素C可减缓衰老进程

2010-01-06 00:00 · jeff

一项最新研究指出,家庭小药箱里常备的维生素C或许能治疗可加速衰老的紊乱,尤其是成人早衰症(Werner's syndrome),这项研究成果发表在2010年1月的《美国实验生物学会联合会杂志》上。 加拿大科研组在这份科研报告中指出,维生素C阻止甚至逆转了患成人早衰症的老鼠的加速衰

一项最新研究指出,家庭小药箱里常备的维生素C或许能治疗可加速衰老的紊乱,尤其是成人早衰症(Werner's syndrome),这项研究成果发表在2010年1月的《美国实验生物学会联合会杂志》上。

加拿大科研组在这份科研报告中指出,维生素C阻止甚至逆转了患成人早衰症的老鼠的加速衰老过程,不过这项发现或许还适用于其它早衰症。患有成人早衰症的人,从20多岁开始表现出加速衰老的迹象,在50岁之前形成老年性疾病,他们一般会在50岁之前死亡。这篇论文的联合作者,加拿大魁北克的迈克勒贝尔说:“我们的研究显然说明,没患有疾病的健康生物或个体,不必通过服用大量维生素C来延长寿命,尤其当他们拥有均衡饮食,并经常进行锻炼时。当生物或个体拥有WRN 基因变种,或者任何受WRN蛋白影响的基因时,他们倾向于患老年性疾病,这些人服用一定数量的维生素C会给健康带来好处。”




The FASEB Journal. 2010;24:158-172. doi: 10.1096/fj.09-137133.

Vitamin C restores healthy aging in a mouse model for Werner syndrome

Laurent Massip*, Chantal Garand*, Eric R. Paquet*, Victoria C. Cogger, Jennifer N. O'Reilly, Leslee Tworek, Avril Hatherell, Carla G. Taylor, Eric Thorin, Peter Zahradka, David G. Le Couteur and Michel Lebel*,1

Werner syndrome (WS) is a premature aging disorder caused by mutations in a RecQ-like DNA helicase. Mice lacking the helicase domain of the WRN homologue exhibit many phenotypic features of WS, including a prooxidant status and a shorter mean life span compared to wild-type animals. Here, we show that Wrn mutant mice also develop premature liver sinusoidal endothelial defenestration along with inflammation and metabolic syndrome. Vitamin C supplementation rescued the shorter mean life span of Wrn mutant mice and reversed several age-related abnormalities in adipose tissues and liver endothelial defenestration, genomic integrity, and inflammatory status. At the molecular level, phosphorylation of age-related stress markers like Akt kinase-specific substrates and the transcription factor NF-B, as well as protein kinase C and Hif-1 transcription factor levels, which are increased in the liver of Wrn mutants, were normalized by vitamin C. Vitamin C also increased the transcriptional regulator of lipid metabolism PPAR. Finally, microarray and gene set enrichment analyses on liver tissues revealed that vitamin C decreased genes normally up-regulated in human WS fibroblasts and cancers, and it increased genes involved in tissue injury response and adipocyte dedifferentiation in obese mice. Vitamin C did not have such effect on wild-type mice. These results indicate that vitamin C supplementation could be beneficial for patients with WS.―Massip, L., Garand, C., Paquet, E. R., Cogger, V. C., O'Reilly, J. N., Tworek, L., Hatherell, A., Taylor, C. G., Thorin, E., Zahradka, P., Le Couteur, D. G., Lebel, M. Vitamin C restores healthy aging in a mouse model for Werner syndrome.
