
2010-09-14 00:00 · lucy

两项发表的姐妹篇研究报告说,科学家发现了大脑新陈代谢与老年痴呆症(Alzheimer's disease)之间的一个可能的联系。远在认知衰退和痴呆出现之前,老年痴呆症就以富含蛋白质的沉积物(称为淀粉样斑块)的形式在大脑中默默地发展。尽管该病的原因尚不清楚,斑块沉积的位置与在人们甚

两项发表的姐妹篇研究报告说,科学家发现了大脑新陈代谢与老年痴呆症(Alzheimer's disease)之间的一个可能的联系。远在认知衰退和痴呆出现之前,老年痴呆症就以富含蛋白质的沉积物(称为淀粉样斑块)的形式在大脑中默默地发展。尽管该病的原因尚不清楚,斑块沉积的位置与在人们甚至没有从事为达到目标而努力的任务的时候也保持活跃的一组大脑区域重叠。通过使用正电子发射断层成像技术,Andrei G. Vlassenko及其同事比较了神经健康的成年人的大脑和那些患老年痴呆症的成年人的大脑,从而确定斑块沉积的模式是否可能与潜在的大脑代谢联系起来。这组作者在患老年痴呆症的人们身上发现,斑块在一些大脑区域积累起来,在健康人的大脑的这些同样的区域,一个称为有氧糖酵解的代谢过程增加。S. Neil Vaishnavi等人在姐妹篇论文中报告了健康人的大脑各个区域的有氧糖酵解水平各异,这一过程产生了大脑所需的能量的约5%。




PNAS doi: 10.1073/pnas.1010461107

Spatial correlation between brain aerobic glycolysis and amyloid-β (Aβ) deposition

Andrei G. Vlassenkoa, S. Neil Vaishnavia, Lars Couturea, Dana Saccoa, Benjamin J. Shannona, Robert H. Macha, John C. Morrisb, Marcus E. Raichlea,b,c,d,1, and Mark A. Mintuna,1

Departments of aRadiology,bNeurology, cNeurobiology, and dBiomedical Engineering, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO 63110

Amyloid-β (Aβ) plaque deposition can precede the clinical manifestations of dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT) by many years and can be associated with changes in brain metabolism. Both the Aβ plaque deposition and the changes in metabolism appear to be concentrated in the brain's default-mode network. In contrast to prior studies of brain metabolism which viewed brain metabolism from a unitary perspective that equated glucose utilization with oxygen consumption, we here report on regional glucose use apart from that entering oxidative phosphorylation (so-called “aerobic glycolysis”). Using PET, we found that the spatial distribution of aerobic glycolysis in normal young adults correlates spatially with Aβ deposition in individuals with DAT and cognitively normal participants with elevated Aβ, suggesting a possible link between regional aerobic glycolysis in young adulthood and later development of Alzheimer pathology.
