
2010-09-30 00:00 · cheng

在一篇“Perspectives”评论文章中,Johann de Bono 和 Alan Ashworth对当前癌症临床试验方面的相关程序做了批评性的审视。抗癌药物开发方面的重点目前被坚定地放在以分子为目标的、合理设计的药物上,而不是放在非特异性细胞毒素上。 然而,尽管取得了一些

在一篇“Perspectives”评论文章中,Johann de Bono 和 Alan Ashworth对当前癌症临床试验方面的相关程序做了批评性的审视。抗癌药物开发方面的重点目前被坚定地放在以分子为目标的、合理设计的药物上,而不是放在非特异性细胞毒素上。

然而,尽管取得了一些成功,但很多癌症(如胰腺癌和肺癌)的预后仍然较差。很多试验对于患者的治疗效果或我们对癌症生物学的认识影响都很小,而只是获得对于一般患者而非对于任何一位具体患者来说的某种最佳疗法。de Bono 和Ashworth认为应当采取一种新方式,该方式涉及将癌症研究与由生物标记驱动的自适应临床试验和以验证假设为目的的临床试验结合起来。




Nature doi:10.1038/nature09339

Translating cancer research into targeted therapeutics

J. S. de Bono" Alan Ashworth

The emphasis in cancer drug development has shifted from cytotoxic, non-specific chemotherapies to molecularly targeted, rationally designed drugs promising greater efficacy and less side effects. Nevertheless, despite some successes drug development remains painfully slow. Here, we highlight the issues involved and suggest ways in which this process can be improved and expedited. We envision an increasing shift to integrated cancer research and biomarker-driven adaptive and hypothesis testing clinical trials. The goal is the development of specific cancer medicines to treat the individual patient, with treatment selection being driven by a detailed understanding of the genetics and biology of the patient and their cancer.
